Drunken Confessions (Part 3)

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"What?" Damien asked, startled by Shayne's outburst. Confusion filled the brunette's features as he watched his friend jump up from the couch and start running aimlessly around his apartment. "Are you okay? What's going on?" He walked out of the kitchen and over to his friend, watching as he now doubled back and forth in the same spot. 

"I told her." Shayne repeated. "Last night when I went over. I told her."

Damien shook his head. "I don't know what you're-"

"The 'professing my undying love' thing! I did it!" He yelled, gesturing wildly with his hands as he did it. Damien furrowed his eyebrows for a moment before he got it, his expression now matching Shayne's. 

"Oh no..." Damien muttered. 

"What the hell are you guys yelling about?" Courtney shouted from the bathroom, still on the ground as she leaned out of the doorway. "It's like nine in the morning!" 

"Courtney, it's eleven." Damien informed. She shrugged, pulling herself back into the bathroom and closing the door. Noah came out of the bedroom next to it, hair a mess, and clearly very groggy. 

"Shayne, this better be good. I was having the best sleep of my life." Noah pointed back into the bedroom. Shayne was quiet, stunning himself into silence by his returning memory. "What's wrong with him?" Noah asked, pointing to his friend. 

"I told her." Shayne muttered, staring off into space. Damien grabbed his friend by his shoulders and lead him over to the couch, sitting him down. Shayne looked up, staring at his friend, hopeless shock written all over his face. "I told her, Damien."

"I know, dude. Just try to calm down." He looked down the hallway to Noah who was now leaning against Shayne's kitchen counter. Noah nodded, already knowing what Damien was going to ask him, and poured Shayne a glass of water. "Take a deep breath." He did. "Now try to remember as much as you can from last night. What happened? What's the first thing you remember?"

Shayne took a sip of the water Noah just brought over and took another deep breath, searching deep into his memory for as many details as he could find. "I was laying on her couch." He nodded. "I don't know what was happening really, but I just looked up at her and said it." 

"Were you falling asleep?" Damien asked. "Maybe you were dreaming." 

"I mean, I was about to." Shayne shrugged. "But this wasn't a dream. I know it wasn't." Shayne sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know how his happened. I just... I looked at her and... I just told her." 

"Well what did she say? Did she say anything?" Noah asked, leaning on his knees towards Shayne, now fully invested in the drama. Shayne thought for a moment, his brows knitting together as he thought. 

"I don't think she said- no, wait..." Shayne began, his eyes widening again. "Yes, she did." He nodded. "She did. She told me that if I remembered anything in the morning to tell her again." He looked up at his friends. "Oh my god! That's what she meant this morning!" He leaned forward, burying his face in his hands. "She asked me if I remembered anything and I said no." 

"Okay, well now you do!" Damien exclaimed, getting up and grabbing Shayne by his shirt. "You need to go tell her right now." 

"No, I can't." Shayne shook his head, getting himself out of Damien's grasp. "I can't do that."

"Why not?" Damien asked, throwing his arms out to the sides. 

"Because what if she doesn't feel the same way? That's the whole reason I never told her in the first place." 

"You are so clueless." Courtney's voice came from behind the boys. They all turned to see that she had miraculously gotten completely cleaned up and changed in the past few minutes and was now standing in the kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee. 

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