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Thank you @AllisonWadsworth for the idea!


"I'd like to propose a toast!" Damien annouced, standing up and clinking his knife against his glass. Everyone present turned their attention to the blue-haired best man. You looked over at Shayne, your eyes trailing over his face and down his muscular arm to his left hand. The silver band on his ring finger made you smile as you looked down at your own, the diamond sparkling perfectly in the fairy lights decorating your reception. "To the new Mr. and Mrs. Shayne Topp!"

Everybody cheered, some raised their glasses, others snapped photos of the two of you. You looked over at Shayne and smiled. He returned it before placing a quick kiss to your lips.

"As everybody here knows, Shayne and I are best friends. The BEST of friends! There isn't a single video on our channel that proves that otherwise..." People chuckled. "And let me just say that I have never seen my buddy here fall in love as quickly as he did with (y/n). I remember the first day he met her because he immediately came up to me and told me he just met his future wife, and I'm quoting him directly." You looked over at Shayne who was blushing furiously. He shifted in his chair and placed an arm around the back of your chair. "It was actually her audition to become a Smosh cast member and after it was over he called me and told me that he just met the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life. And I just knew that I had to meet her. She got it obviously-"

"After hours of begging me!" Ian shouted from the other end of the wedding party table. Everyone laughed at his interjection.

"And the rest is history!" Damien laughed. "She became his girl-best friend, and I only say that again because I am his bestest friend in the whole wide world. There totally isn't a video of (y/n) kicking my ass in a "Who Knows Me Better?" challenge on the Smosh channel."

"And don't you forget it!" You shouted. Damien faked a glare and continued.

"Anyway..." He drew out. "She made a huge difference in his life. I have never seen him as happy as he is with you, (y/n)." He smiled over at the two of you. "Cheers, everybody!" He held up his glass and the rest of the party followed. Damien sat his glass down and took his seat next to Shayne again. Shayne smiled at him and patted him on the back of his shoulder.

Next up for speeches was your best friend (y/b/f/n). She stood and flattened out a piece of paper with her speech on it in front of her.

"Hi, everybody!" She smiled, giving a small wave. "So like Shayne here, (y/n) also called me the minute she got out of her audition and she went on for HOURS about this really cute guy who was in her audition. Like, she wouldn't shut up about him." You rolled your eyes at her. "So once she got the job, I told her we should have a party with her new cast memebers so she could hang out with Shayne more... Also because I needed to approve of him before anything happened, but that's beside the point." People chuckled. "A few months after the party, Shayne had texted me asking about (y/n)'s relationship status and wanted to know who he had to beat up to be with her." You looked over at Shayne who blushed. "She was single and I asked why he wanted to know and he just went off about her! He said that she just had this warm, welcoming aura about her and that he had never had an immediate attraction to anyone like he did with her. He wanted to buy her flowers and take her on cute picnic dates everyday. It was really gushy and gross..." You smiled, thinking about the weekly flowers Shayne brought you to this day. "A couple months went by and these two finally admitted their feelings for one another and here we are today!" She smiled down at you and Shayne. "Good luck, you two! Especially you, Shayne... She's a handful."

Everybody laughed and raised their glasses, clinking them against one another and cheering once more for the happy couple.

As the night progressed, people danced, ate, drank, and had the best time of their lives. You and Shayne spent the night talking to each one of your guests and getting in a few dances when you could. Eventually, the party died down and guests retired to the hotel rooms they rented in preparation for the night of heavy drinking. The wedding party, however, was sat in a side room reserved for the bridal party to get ready in that morning. The rest of the alcohol and appetizers were sent to the room as you spent to rest of the night laughing and remembering stories from the beginning of your relationship.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Your best friend laughed, holding her hand out to stop Ian from continuing his current story. "What did (y/n) do?"

"It was like a month before they started dating, right?" Ian started. "We were filming a Try Not to Laugh and you know we have everybody who isn't going currently behind this blinder." He started laughing a bit, but pulled it together. "And Shayne was watching Courtney try to get Noah to laugh and when he had his back turned, (y/n) smelled her armpit to make sure she didn't stink around him." Ian laughed along with the rest of the party as you cringed and hid your face in Shayne's shoulder. His arm tightening around your shoulder.

"How did you even see that?" You groaned, pulling your legs up beneath you, the heels you wore today being long gone.

"We have a camera on you guys the whole time!"

"That's right..." You giggled, the alcohol's effect taking over your thinking.

"Aw... you wanted to smell good for me..." Shayne teased, gently shaking your shoulder.

"Oh, don't act all innocent over there." Courtney giggled. Shayne tensed up a bit.

"What do you mean?" He asked, mocking offense.

"Shayne, you crashed and burned on so many jokes around her we thought we'd have to fire you." Courtney joked.

"Oh, give me a break!" Shayne laughed, "You wouldn't have fired me!"

"That's true." Ian spoke up again. "He's our most popular member. Has the most fanfiction."

"That's true..." You giggled again. "But I'm the one who gets to live it with him." You smiled up at your husband and kissed his lips.

Every Meet-Cute Ever (Shayne Topp X Reader Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now