You're Ridiculous

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~(y/f/ff/o) = Your Favorite Fast Food Order~


"Josh? Is that you?" You asked from your bedroom, hearing the front door to your apartment shut. 

"I GOT THE FOOD!" A voice sang from your living room. You chuckled to yourself, finishing brushing out your hair after a shower. Josh leaned into your room, covering his eyes with his hands. "Are you decent?" He asked, separating his fingers so he could peek through them. You looked up into the mirror at the man standing behind you and chuckled. You turned around to face him. 

"Yes, I am, you goof!" You laughed and got up from your nightstand. "What'd you get me?" 

"(y/f/ff/o)! Same as always!" He smirked, crossing his arms as he looked down at you. "Everything's on the counter!" He informed, batting his eyelashes at you. 

"You're the best." You leaned up and kissed his cheek. "I really needed this today!" You walked down your hallway to the kitchen and unwrapped your food from the paper bags they were in. Josh followed, coming up behind you and leaning against the counter next to you. 

"Hey, my girl was in need and I had to make sure I delivered!" He smirked up at you and he leaned in towards you. 

"Well I appreciate it!" You smiled, booping Josh with the end of your fork before walking out of your kitchen into your living room. "Alright! What are we watching?" You asked, plopping down on your couch and turning the Roku on. Josh grabbed his food and joined you on the couch, kicking his feet up on the coffee table as you browsed through Netflix. 


"Hey, guys!" Shayne smiled as he approached Courtney and Damien. "What's up?" 

"We're looking through the menu for that Italian place that just opened up." Damien smiled, pointing to his phone. 

"Oh nice!" He leaned against the table towards his friends. "Anything good?" 

"Yeah, a lot of it actually!" Courtney laughed. "(y/n) went the other day. She said it was really good." 

"With Josh, right?" Damien asked, looking up from his phone. Courtney nodded and continued to look at the menu on her own device. Shayne did a double take to his best friends, very confused as to who Josh was and why the hell you were going to dinner with him. 

"Who's Josh?" Shayne asked, looking between his two friends. Courtney looked up and smirked at him. 

"Why?" She laughed. "Are you jealous?" She teased, shaking her shoudlers a bit. 

"No!" Shayne responded a little too quickly. "I just want to know who this guy is..." 

"I'm kidding." Courtney laughed. "But I don't know! She hasn't said much about him." 

"Okay..." He nodded, shifting awkwardly where he stood. The three stood in silence, one of them significantly more anxious than the others. "That's cool..." Damien peeked up from his phone to see his best buddy struggling with something. He sighed and set his phone down.

"Maybe he's just her friend dude..." He comforted. "I wouldn't worry too much about it." 

"Yeah, you're probably right." Shayne mumbled. 

'Or maybe you took too long and she started dating somebody else...' Your anxiety chimed in. 'Maybe this guy is the one she's going to marry and you've missed your chance entirely! What if this was your only shot at happiness and you missed it? What if-'

"Dude." Damien snapped, gaining Shayne's attention again. "You good?" 

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm good!" Shayne said as shook his head 'no'. "Um... I'm going to head home. I'm not feeling too good." 

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