Only a Week (Part 2)

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A funny thing happens when you connect with somebody. Time seems to both speed up and stop at the same time. Talking for, what feels like, a moment can actually be hours and neither one of you could realize it. This was the case for you and the mystery man at the bar. 

After sitting down, and properly introducing yourselves, you had found the man, now known as Shayne, to be quite an amazing conversational partner. Along with being incredibly funny, he was so intelligent, going off on rants about a book he had just read, or what he was learning about in one of his classes. You found yourself completely captivated by him, hanging on to every word he said. You had never found anybody, not even your ex, that you connected with this quickly. 

"Now wait a damn minute!" Shayne laughed, pointing an angry finger at you. "You mean to tell me you've never seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy?" 

"Not a single minute." You nodded, trying to hide the amused smirk that played on your lips. Shayne looked at you in utter disbelief. 

"I knew you were too good to be true." He shook his head before averting his gaze. He looked genuinely upset. You were actually starting to believe that he was angry at you. 

"Look, I'm sorry I've never seen them. I was just never interested in it and was really more of a Star Wars fan myself and-" Your rambling was cut off by Shayne laughing at you. His high-pitched laughter being heard over the blaring music that filled the bar. Your mouth hung open as you realized what Shayne had just done and smacked his knee. "Jerk." You scoffed and took a swig of your drink. 

"You should've seen your face." Shayne chuckled, leaning back in his chair. You looked over and shook your head again. "I'm sorry." Shayne said, leaning forward a bit and placing a hand on the back of your chair. "But you know what this means, right?"

You tilted your head at him and chuckled. "No, what?"

"We need to watch all three of these movies." He shrugged. "And the Hobbit movies." 

"I'm only here for another week though..." You challenged. 

"So? Six movies in seven days? We can do it!"

You smiled at his efforts, but before you could give him an answer, (y/bf/n) and Taylor were interrupting your conversation.

"Hey! The bar's closing soon. So we're going to head home." Taylor smiled, placing an arm around your shoulder.

"Our Uber should be here in a few minutes..." (y/bf/n) looked between you and Shayne. "Unless you want to find your own means of getting home." She winked. 

'Subtle...' You rolled your eyes before looking back to Shayne. You honestly could just seal the deal with Shayne right now and go home with him. But that might make you look too eager or desperate. You felt a genuine connection with him and you would hate to ruin that by making it seem like you were just looking to hook up. You looked around at the three people in front of you and quirked an eyebrow. Taylor was giving you a 'Go for It' look, (y/bf/n) looked like they were about to explode, and Shayne seemed to study your face, giving you a soft smile when you made eye contact. 

"Yeah, it is pretty late..." You said getting up and brushing off your jeans. "I'll meet you guys outside in a minute." (y/bf/n) gave you a confused look, but you only nodded at her, assuring her that you knew what you were doing. Taylor got what you were trying to say and guided your best friend outside, explaining your plan to her on their way out. You watched them leave and turned back to Shayne, who still sat, staring at you with the same intensity as when you first went over. The two of you stared at each other for a minute before you broke the silence. "Thank you for the drink." You smiled, taking a step closer to him, almost standing in between his legs. "I had a really great time talking to you." 

"Likewise." He smiled.

'Time to reel him in.' You smirked to yourself. "I'll see you around." You gave him a sweet smile and placed a hand on his arm, dragging it along as you started to walk away. His hand caught yours before it fully disconnected. 'Gotcha.'

"Wait... You didn't give me an answer." His thumb ran over your knuckles, making your knees weak. You smiled and reached into your back pocket for your phone. You turned his hand so his palm was open and placed your phone in it. 

"I'll text you the address so you can come pick me up tomorrow." 

Shayne smiled and entered his number into your phone. "I look forward to hearing from you." He handed your phone back, purposefully brushing his fingers against yours. 

"Likewise." You smirked before parting ways with Shayne. He watches as you leave, basking in the aura of confidence that you gave off. He had never met anybody like you before. It both excited and scared him how quickly you two connected. It pained him to think that you would be leaving at the end of the week, but if he only had a week to enjoy time with you, he was going to take it. 

As Shayne paid his bar tab, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He smiled to himself as he read the message. 

Unknown Number- Pick me up at 7 tomorrow?

Shayne- Sounds like a plan. ;)

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