Childhood Sweethearts (Part 2)

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~~11 Years Later~~

Shayne hit submit on his last final for his Psychology degree. It had been a long ten years, but it was finally done! Since Shayne had a lot going on with shooting on The Goldbergs and with Smosh, he decided against going to the graduation ceremony. He never had a high school graduation, he didn't need one for college. Besides, it was easier for them to just mail it to him than spending the money to fly out for the ceremony.

However... this attitude didn't sit well with his coworkers. Courtney, Damien, and Ian all thought Shayne deserved more of a celebration for finishing his degree. So... they planned a surprise graduation for him. They bought a grad gown and hat, made their own valedictorian sash, a diploma for Smosh University, and invited all of Shayne's closest friends to come and attend the ceremony.

As they were planning, Courtney had suggested getting videos of people who were too far to attend congradulating Shayne on his accomplishment. She had gotten positive responses from everyone on her list so far. She had one last call to make.

Back in Arizona, you finished up your work for the day and was packing up to go home. As you got to your car, your phone began to ring causing you to dig through your purse to get your phone out. As you looked at the caller ID, you noticed it was a California number and answered, curious as to who would be calling you from there.


"Hi! Is this (Y/F/N)?"

"This is she. May I ask who's calling?"

"Yeah! This is Courtney Miller, I work for the YouTube channel Smosh!"

Smosh... Why does that sound familiar?

"Oh, hi! How can I help you?"

"Well, I'm a friend and coworker of Shayne Topp and we're currently planning a surprise graduation for him." Your heart skipped a beat at his name, all the memories flooding back to you.

After he left for LA, the two of you had slowly lost contact with each other. He started getting more acting jobs, you went to college... as your lives started, your friendship basically ended. You hadn't talked to him in years besides the annual birthday text you two would send.

"Are you still there?" Courtney asked, breaking you out of your trance. You must have been daydreaming longer than you thought.

"Uh, yeah.. yeah, I'm here. What were you planning?" You say getting into your car and placing your phone on speaker.

"We really wanted to get as many people as possible to surprise Shayne and his parents gave us your name! Apparently you guys were really close growing up!"

You have no idea...

"Yeah, you could say that!" You chuckled, pulling onto the main road home.

"We were planning on making a video of all his friends who possibly can't make it due to short notice, or where they live. Would you be interested?"

"When is this graduation?"

"We wanna do it this Friday."

Three days away... You thought. Interesting...

"I definitely want to, but I have an idea for another surprise for him if you're interested..."

Courtney quirked an eyebrow. "Go on..."


It was time to surprise Shayne, and Courtney was WAY too excited for it. After Courtney's initial call, the two of you spent an hour planning something that would blow him away.

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