Drunken Confessions

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"(Y/N)!" Shayne shouted, banging on the door to your apartment. "(Y/n), (y/n), (y/n)! (Y/nnnnnnn)!" He sang, looking through the peephole. "Open up!" He shouted, continuing his assault on your front door. 

You were laying in bed, fast asleep, and having the best dream about living in London with your favorite celebrity, Tom Hiddleston. In fact, you were getting married to him, and were about to solidify the ceremony with a kiss when you were abruptly ripped from your dream. You groaned, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you, quite literally, rolled out of bed. The pounding at your door continued, Shayne yelling your name as loud as he could. Already on bad terms with your landlord, you rushed to your door, ripping it open to reveal a very intoxicated Shayne. 

"What the hell are you doing?" You seethed, pulling Shayne in by the collar of his shirt. You leaned out your door, looking around to see if anybody had their lights on or looking outside their homes to see where the noise was coming from. Deeming it safe, you shut the door, turning around to Shayne's extremely flushed face. He swayed slightly on his heels, his lack of balance telling you everything you needed to know. "Are you drunk?"

"No!" He chorted out, shaking his head at you. He tried taking a step towards your couch, but ended up falling into it. "Yes." He said before bursting into laughter. You walked over to him and helped him stand up straight. However, with the close proximity, you had to turn your head away from the smell. He reeked of alcohol. You guided him over to the couch and sat him down, leaving him briefly to turn on a light. He cringed at the brightness, covering his eyes with the arm that held a near-empty beer bottle. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked again, sitting down next to him on the couch. He turned towards you, a goofy grin on his face. 

"You're really pretty." He smiled before falling into a fit of giggles. You rolled your eyes, not being thrilled with the task of babysitting a drunk Shayne. 

"Answer my question, Shayne." 

He huffed. "Some of the Smosh squad wanted to hang tonight and we had a little too much to drink and I decided that I wanted to see my favorite neighbor, (y/n)." He leaned back into the couch, his body slouching towards you. His forehead came to rest on your shoulder, his full weight being pressed against your skin. 

"Really?" You asked, positioning him to sit up straight on the couch. "At 3 a.m. when I'm trying to sleep?" 

"Is it 3 a.m.?" He yelled, bolting straight up. You shushed him, placing a hand on his chest to push him back down. 

"Dude, you need to be quiet or our landlord's gonna evict both of us." You couldn't help but giggle at his reaction. As annoyed as you were right now, seeing your neighbor, and best friend, drunk was hilarious. 

"Sorry." He whispered, chuckling along with the "quiet act" he had to take part in. "I just missed you so now I'm here." 

"You can see me any day, buddy." You chuckled. 

"I know..." He grumbled, beginning to peel off the label on his beer. "But I wanted to see you now." He pouted like a child. 

"Well I was sleeping." You got up from the couch and walked over to where you kept the spare blankets. "And having a pretty amazing dream, might I add." You walked back to Shayne and traded the beer bottle for the blanket. You went to the kitchen, dumping the rest of the beer out and throwing the bottle in the recycler. When you looked back to the couch, you were amused to find Shayne sprawled across it, the blanket half unfolded on top of him. He was staring at his phone, the screen two inches from his face as he squinted to make out the writing. "Oh my poor, drunk boy..." You mumbled to yourself, walking over to properly tuck Shayne in on the couch. Before wrapping the blanket around him, you took off his sneaker, Shayne giggling all the while about how it tickled when your fingers ran over his feet, and had him empty out his pockets onto your coffee table. "Enough of this for the night." You instructed, your voice soft and gentle as you took the phone out of his hands. He let go pretty easily, choosing to stare up at you instead. You looked down at your friend, smiling at the puppy dog eyes he was giving you. "Yes?" You asked, crouching down to sit on the floor next to the sofa. Shayne turned onto his side, nuzzling his head into the throw pillow. 

"I'm sorry I woke you up." He mumbled, guilt now taking over his features. You smirked at him, breathing out a chuckle. 

"It's okay. I forgive you." You nodded. Shayne smiled, letting his eyes fall closed as the alcohol-fueled state finally hit the point of exhaustion. 

"Hey, (y/n/n)?" He asked, the words coming out as sweet mumbles through his pouted, parted lips. 

"Yes, Shayne?"

"Can I tell you a secret?" He sounded to innocent. Like a five-year-old. You smiled at how adorable the scene was. 

"Of course, buddy." 

"I kind of really like you." He confessed, the words stringing out one at a time. "Like, like you-like you. You're so pretty and nice and funny and you always smell really good. And honestly, you always make me happy every time I see you and I can't explain why." His breathing began to slow down, letting you know that he was on his way out. "So yeah, that's it." 

The adoring statements caught you off guard, making your heart stop for a brief moment. You wanted to believe him. You really did. But right now this boy couldn't tell you which way was up even if you told him. "Shayne?" He hummed, signifying that he was listening. "Do you mean that?" 

"Absolutely." He confirmed, his voice raspy and monotone. 

"Can you do something for me then?" You asked, placing your hand on his arm. His eyes opened slightly at the contact. He nodded his head. "If you remember telling me all this in the morning, can you do it again? So I know you're serious?" 

He nodded, closing his eyes again. "I'll remember, (y/n)." He breathed out. "I'll remember just for you." And with that, he was fast asleep. His words had trailed off into light snores as he finally passed out. You sat there staring at him for a few moments before getting up. Now wide awake, your mind reeled with a million thoughts about what just happened. 

Shayne just admitted he liked you. He did it. He actually said the words. But did you like him back? 

Hell yeah!

Please, you had to be crazy not to! You still remembered the day you moved in having a three hour long phone conversation with your best friend back home about the blonde hottie that lived a few doors down from you. The moment you two met was honestly something out of a movie as you almost dropped one of the boxes you were bringing in to your new apartment. You stumbled, he caught it, you made eye contact? 

Boom. Instant connection. 

However, at the time he had a girlfriend. So you settled for being friends. Five years later, you two were still going strong. Both single and "having trouble" finding and getting into a good relationship. I mean it's not like you didn't try. You went on dates and were on and off with a few guys over the months, but there was always one problem. They weren't Shayne. And you were too afraid to tell him how you felt because you didn't want to lose the relationship you already had. 

But now that he admitted it... There was a chance. A very small chance, but a chance. Typically when Shayne got this drunk, and this tired, he didn't normally remember anything he said the night before. Normally, you'd remind him of anything completely embarrassing he said and the two of you would laugh making fun of whatever idiotic thing came out of his mouth. But this time, you weren't going to say a thing. 

You set out a bottle of water and the painkillers for your friend's inevitable hangover in the morning. You plugged his phone in, shut all the lights off, and grabbed his keys off the coffee table. You ran over to his place, doing a quick check to make sure everything that needed to be turned off was off, nobody was being left unattended by their host, and the place was locked before heading back to your place. You were greeted by the light snores of Shayne as you walked in the door and quickly made your way back to your room for the night. As you tossed and turned in bed, you couldn't help the one thought that kept running through your mind. 

"I hope he remembers." 


Two updates in one day? I am an ANIMAL!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should totally go check out my other book I'm writing on here. It's a Mandalorian fanfiction and I think you guys would really like it if you're in to that kind of thing. 

Anyway, I HOPE YOU ARE ALL DOING AMAZING! I love you all dearly! Have a good week! 

Lots of Love,


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