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"Jesus Christ, Shayne!" You screamed in frustration. As a producer at Smosh, you had to lead meetings and pitch ideas and give overall announcements to the cast and crew. Since you're human, your words would sometimes get jumbled when you spoke. When this happened, people would laugh, but one person wouldn't let you hear the end of it. 

Shayne Topp. 

He would follow you around, constantly making fun of you and mocking you. He'd bring it up in any conversation you were having, whether he was originally in it or not. 

Tonight was no exception. Every so often the Smosh family would go out to eat or go to a Dave and Buster's to play and drink at the arcade. You were playing a zombie shootout game when a very cute guy came up to the machine next to you. As he played, he peeked out from the corner of his eye to see you absolutely killing it (literally) in the game. You wanted to see how long he'd look until he said something, so you played for another 30 minutes. He still hadn't said anything, but kept watching you play. After another 15 minutes, it was starting to creep you out, so you decided to say something. 

"Any reason you've been staring at me for the past 45 minutes?" You smirked, ending the game and holstering the controller. The man was absolutely flushed, embarrassed that he had been caught. This was the first time you've gotten a good look at the guy. He was extremely attractive. He stood about 6 feet tall, extremely fit, with dark hair and eyes. He was clad in dark jeans and a Stone Temple Piolet t-shirt. He didn't exactly have a beard, but there was just enough scruff that you could tell it was there. 

"I'm sorry..." He smiled, nervously, showcasing the dimples on his cheeks. "You're just really pretty." 

"So you decided the best way to express that was by staring at me? Little serial killer-ish." 

"I promise you I'm not a Ted Bundy type." He held up his hands in defense. "Even if I was, you'd probably take me down in a second." You tried to keep a serious face, but failed, letting yourself smile and laugh at the man. 

"Well, I think legally you have to tell me if you're a serial killer, so I think we're good. I'm (y/n)." You said, holding out your hand.

"Sebastian." He took it, holding on a bit longer than a normal handshake. "At first I was watching because you were absolutely crushing this game!" He came and stood next to you, his chest leaning against your shoulder. "How'd you get that good?"

"I had brothers growing up." You smiled, looking between him and your high score on the machine. "Gotta keep up when they play."

"Well if you're this good I can't even imagine how good your brothers are." He smirked down at you. "You'll have to teach me." 

"Where and when?" You returned the look he was giving you. This night just got a whole lot better. 


"HEY (Y/N)!" You closed your eyes, a frustrated sigh huffing from your chest. Shayne came jogging over to you, slapping a hand over the shoulder not pressed against Sebastian. "What's going on? Who's this?" He looked up to Sebastian, slightly puffing his chest out to seem bigger. 

"Sebastian." He stepped back from your shoulder and held out a hand for Shayne to shake. "I'm assuming you two know each other?"

"Oh we're-"

"Co-workers." You finished, glaring at Shayne. "We're just co-workers." 

"She's one of our producers." Shayne informed. "Runs meetings, books sets and convention spots... Does a lot of talking. Doesn't do it too well though." He rambled, loving how angry you were getting. "Also has a huge stick up her ass-" 

"Well Shayne, it was nice seeing you, but Sebastian and I were having a conversation." You cut him off, telling him to 'f**k off' with your eyes. 

"From the look you were giving him, I'd say you want more than that." He winked at Sebastian, who looked very uncomfortable. "I say go for it, dude. She's so desperate for love she'd be on you the minute you two get in an Uber." 

"Shayne! Please go away!" You half-shouted, fire filling your eyes.

"See what I mean? HUGE stick up her ass! You should try filling that hole if you're catching my drift-" 

"GO AWAY!" You yelled, surprising all three of you. Shayne lifted his arms in defense before turning and walking away. You sighed, slowly turning back to Sebastian. "I'm so sorry about him." 

"Nah, that's okay... He, uh... he's very forward." Sebastian tried to reason.

"You can say that again..." Your eyes scanned the floor, suddenly finding it incredibly hard to recover from your embarrassment. A giant sigh left your lips, you couldn't recover. Not from this. "I think it's better if I just go. Leave you alone."

"Uh... yeah, that'd probably be best." He agreed. Your heart sank. He was supposed to tell you that it was alright... but you knew better than that. This wan't a fairy-tale. Sebastian walked away, hands shoved in his pockets. 

"I am going to kill Shayne Topp." You fumed, marching away to find bane of your existence. 

Every Meet-Cute Ever (Shayne Topp X Reader Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now