Australia (Part 2)

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You finished up the appointment you were currently working on. One of the kangaroos the zoo you worked for rescued came in with a broken tail. You did a weekly check up with him to make sure he was healing properly and in time with what you estimated. As you were finishing up washing your hands, your coworker Katie leaned in the doorway.

"Paging Dr. (y/l/n)!" She sung as she entered the room. You smiled and shook your head, peeking over your shoulder. 

"What's going on, Katie?" 

"Well, I was just finishing up feeding the koalas when a large groups of people came in BEGGING to see you!"

You perked up and turned around to the paper towels. Your eyebrows furrowed for a moment before the realization hit you. You focused your widened eyes on Katie, who just nodded, a huge smile on her face. 

"No way!" You squealed before running out of the room and towards the front area of the zoo. You spotted Sarah from a mile away and ran towards her, calling out her name. She turned and jumped in place for a moment before running towards you as well. The two of you collided in a hug, laughing and exchanging greetings. "I can't believe you're here!" 

"I can't either!" Sarah pulled back an arms length from you, taking in your full appearance. "Look at you in your little doctors outfit!" You rolled your eyes, but smiled nonetheless. Sarah pulled you into another hug, squeezing the life out of you. "OH! These are my coworkers!" She smiled, motioning behind her to the group who were witnessing your reunion. Your eyes scanned over everybody. They all extended their own greetings to you; however, the smile you had while meeting them dropped when you met a pair of blue eyes. The same pair of blue eyes you fell in love with in high school. 

"Shayne?" You asked, completely ignoring everybody else's greetings. You let go of Sarah and took a step towards him. He looked at you with the same amount of shock. Time seemed to stop for a moment. Everything came flooding back to you. All the feelings you had, all the nights you laughed with him, cried because of him. Everything. 

The group shifted their gaze to Shayne, who blushed at the sudden attention. 

"You two know each other?" Sarah asked, matching your position in front of the group. 

"Uh... yeah. We went to high school together." Shayne informed, his eyes not moving from you. 

'I was also madly in love with you...' You thought. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, the eye contact more than uncomfortable for everybody else there. 

"We were friends." You said, finally breaking the intense gaze. "So! How about we get the tour started!" You clapped your hands and motioned for the group to follow you. As you gave a tour of all of the different exibits at the zoo, you couldn't help but notice the feeling of Shayne's eyes on you. You would meet his gaze occasionally but quickly look away. It had been so many years since you had seen him. Hell, you thought for a split second that he didn't recognize you. And yet, here you were, giving him a tour of your job you moved from your home country to pursue. You never thought you'd see him again. It almost didn't feel real. You were so consumed by your own thoughts that you didn't see Katie approaching you. 

"Hey (y/n)! I hate to interrupt, but Jackie tried to fight one of his buddies and hurt his tail. Can you come look at it?" 

You sighed. "Are you serious?" 

"Who's Jackie?" Sarah asked, looking between you and Katie.

"He's one of the kangaroos we rescued." You started walking backwards away from the group. "He needs to be staying off of his broken tail, but he tends to want to fight every other kangaroo in that enclosure." 

"Jackie Legs is squaring up." One of the group members, you now knew as Damien, laughed. He was standing next to Shayne. Everyone chuckled along with him including Shayne. His smile made your knees weak, but you snapped out of it quickly and turned on work mode. 

"Yeah, he's a wild one." You chuckled. "Katie, can you take over while I take care of him?"

"Sure!" She smiled. "How long do you think you'll be?"

"30 minutes to an hour. If I don't find you guys within the hour, come to the kangaroo enclosure." You threw over your shoulder before beginning a light jog towards the enclosure. 

~~ 1 Hour Later ~~

You had finished helping Jack and were currently transporting him back to the kangaroo enclosure. As you unloaded his cart, one of the joeys came up behind you and nudged your leg. You looked down and completely melted. These little guys were the best part of your job. You crouched down and held your hand out to the joey. They sniffed your hand before hopping a bit closer to you, letting you pet their head. 

"How you doin' there, Joey?" Yes, a joey named Joey. Very original. The little animal nuzzled into your hand, making you smile. 

You didn't realize it, but you were currently being watched. You were currently over the hour that you had given Katie to give them the tour and, as you instructed her, the group was standing at the top of the enclosure looking down at you. The Smosh squad cooed at the small animal at your feet. 

"Oh my god, so cute!" Courtney squealed.

"That's one of our new joeys, named Joey. He came out of his Momma's pouch about three weeks ago. He absolutely loves (y/n)!" 

"So adorable!" Damien smiled at the small creature. 

"Yeah, she is..." Shayne muttered. 

"What's up?" Damien asked, peeking over at his friend. 

"Nothing... Joey's really cute!" He covered before walking away from Damien. Damien looked back down the enclosure at you for a moment before looking back at his friend. Shayne had mentioned you before to Damien but from what he had said, it sounded like water under the bridge. Obviously, from how Shayne had been acting since seeing you, he was dead wrong. Courtney came over to Damien and leaned on the railing next to him. 

"So Shayne and (y/n)-" She started. 

"Yeah something's up." Damien nodded, looking over to see Shayne staring at you once again. 

"Has he ever talked about her?"

"Yeah... kind of." Damien shrugged. "Last week, we found some old photos from when they were in high school. He just kind of brushed past it though. I thought things went bad between the two of them, but I think I just heard him call her cute so..." 

"Wait, seriously?" Courtney exclaimed, grabbing Damien's arm. "That's huge! He hasn't had a girlfriend in forever!" 

"I know! I gotta see what's up with him." 

"Isn't she coming out with us later? I could talk to her and see if she'll talk about it."

"That's what I was thinking... I don't think I'll get anything out of Shayne but I can try." 

There was a moment of silence between the two friends before Courtney spoke up. 

"Are we about to get Shayne laid?"

"We're definitely going to try." Damien laughed. 

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