Expecting Something (Part 4)

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~Work Monday Morning~

"Alright, are we ready to start?" Sarah asked, making sure everything was placed for the newest episode of Eat It or Yeet It. Courtney, Kimmy, Jackie, and Noah were all lingering around the table, waiting for the final two members of the video to show up. "Who are we missing?"

"Shayne and Damien." Courtney answered, smiling at the other three. "Today's day one of the punishment from the baby-bet."

"Oh no..." Kimmy squealed, covering her smile with her hands. "Who won? What's the gender?"

"You'll see." Courtney smiled, tying the apron around her waist. The door leading into the set opened, all eyes in the room focusing on it. The pair everybody had been waiting on walked into the room, one of them far more peppy than the other.

Kevin wolf-whistled as Shayne led the way onto set; bunny ears, pink tutu, and unicorn shirt decorating his body. His jeans were rolled up all the way to his knees giving the tutu an awkward shape. As he stepped into the lighting on set, his face lit up with the bright makeup that covered his eyes and cheeks courtesy of his son's godmother. The crew cheered as Shayne gave everybody a turn, showing off the full outfit.

"It's a boy!" Shayne screamed, making everybody cheer louder, if that was possible. "And I will be a bunny-unicorn-princess for the next week of shooting."

"So like a month's worth of videos?" Sarah asked from behind camera. Shayne nodded, rolling his lips together to hold back his embarrassment. Everybody laughed, taking pictures and videos of Shayne for their own person blackmail against him.

"Your son's birth was the best day of my life." Damien smiled from ear to ear, continuing to take photo after photo of his best friend.

"Yeah, me too..." Shayne smiled, fluffing up his skirt. "He's pretty awesome." Everybody awed and gave their congratulations before returning to finish the set up for the video.

"Today's a good day." Damien continued, taking his seat at the table. Shayne, of course, was sitting in the middle, directly in front of the camera.

"Yeah, shut up..." Shayne smirked over at his friend. The two laughed before snapping into their on-camera personas for the video.

~At Home~

You were taking a nap. Phoenix was sleeping... So you were sleeping. You loved being a mom, especially when you had a partner as amazing as Shayne who would pick up whatever tasks he could while he was home, but dear lord were you tired. You were crashed on your couch with Phoenix asleep in the crib in your bedroom. You had just fed and changed him so you should be good for about two hours. Just enough time for a power nap. Since becoming a mom, you found your new superpower-- Sleeping anytime, anywhere. The first opportunity you get you'd fall into a deep, uninterrupted sleep. Typically the only alarm that was able to wake you up was Phoenix's crying.

However, this time your alarm didn't go off. You woke up naturally after a glorious four-hour nap. For a moment, you forgot you had Phoenix... almost. You bolted upright on the couch and furrowed your eyebrows. No crying. Oh god... no crying. You immediately got up and ran back to your bedroom only to skid to a stop in the doorway.

Your heart absolutely melted at the sight of Shayne swaying back and forth with his son in his arms. He hummed to himself and Phoenix, and you rolled your eyes when you realized that the song he was humming was 'Dreams' by Fleetwood Mac. You snuck up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He peeked over his shoulder and smiled at you, ceasing his humming. You wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your cheek against his bicep, staring at your son. Together, you swayed, continuing your efforts to keep your son asleep.

"You're awake." Shayne whispered, turning his head enough to press a kiss to the top of your head.

"I am." You murmured back. "How was your day?"

"Embarrassing." He responded in a huff. This caused you to let out a small giggle. "It's a good thing you're worth every minute of it, little guy." Shayne smiled down at his son, leaning down to press a light kiss to his forehead.

"Are you disappointed that it wasn't a girl?" You asked semi-seriously. You knew Shayne would take multiple bullets for Phoenix, but he talked so vividly about having a girl that you couldn't help but feel bad. Shayne chuckled, patting Phoenix on the bottom as you swayed.

"Not for one second." Shayne responded. "He's perfect in every way."

You hid your face into his arm as you beamed from his response. "I absolutely agree."

"And besides... We could always try again." He smirked. You pulled back from your flushed position, narrowing your eyes at him.

"Cheeky." You muttered, a smile playing on your lips.

"You love it." He replied, giving you one of his million-dollar smiles.

"Indeed, I do." You replied, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "And I love you too." You whispered to Phoenix, leaning down to kiss his cheek as well.

"I'll change him and do whatever else needs done for the night. You go relax and enjoy a night off."

"Shayne, it's the first week. I just can't-"

"Yes, you can. Now go! You're upsetting Phoenix!" He playfully scolded. You looked down to see the little boy fast asleep in Shayne's arms.

"I love you both." You whispered one last time, dragging your hands along Shayne's waist and back until your fingers grazed the ends of the fabric. You walked out of the room and back into the living room, plopping down on the couch. A smile stretched from ear to ear at the thought of Shayne as a father. He was a natural. He was perfect. Phoenix was perfect.

Everything in your life was just... perfect.



Here it is! 

The final part to this awesome imagine!  Thank you again to @rlacey11 for the amazing idea!

Two updates in one day? Woo-hoo! Can you tell that finals are over? XD

Lots of Love!


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