Black and White (Chapter 10)

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Y/N pov

I step out of the dorm and begin my walk to team RWBY's dorm not long after I feel a gust of wind as a blur of black runs past me and I look ahead to see RWBY's door wide open and Ruby calling after who I know realize was Blake as walk into the dorm and take in the scenery; Yang was sitting in a chair, Weiss was facing away from the door and Ruby was calling after Blake until she eventually gave up

Y/N: "So would anyone care to explain the fuck?"

Ruby: (Sighing) "Turns out Blake was a member of the White Fang..."

I let out a sigh gaining the attention of all three women inside of the dorm

Y/N: "And I assume the reception didn't go all to well?"

Both Yang and Ruby turn away from me their faces painted with guilt

Y/N: "Anyways, I'm not sure I see what the big deal is, why'd she run out all dramatic like?"

Both Ruby and Yang don't respond but in stead look at Weiss who still hasn't said a word since I've walked in

Y/N: "Weiss you didn't...?"

Weiss: "I hope you're not here to try too  lecture me"

I sigh before taking some steps towards Weiss so I'm right in front of her. She still has yet to turn to me

Y/N: "Look Weiss, I'm not gonna lecture you okay? I understand I don't have the right too. You can feel how you want too feel about faunus and the White Fang you're entitled too that. But Blake is still your teammate and more importantly your friend."

Weiss turns her head and her body to face me before speaking again this time her voice is a lot less harsh and this time a lot softer

Weiss: "Do you understand how it feels too have your childhood ruined by something you can't even control...?"

I softly grab her hand and offer her a gentle, and whole hearted smile before speaking again

Y/N: "No, I don't and I won't pretend like I do. However I do know what it feels like to lose everything in a matter of minutes"

Weiss turns her head away from me again and pulls her hand away from me before going to stare out the window in silence.

As start to walk out of the dorm room before looking over at Ruby

Y/N: "Come knock on my dorm room as soon as you get up tomorrow okay? We should look for her as soon as we can"

Yang: "I hope she's okay..."

Y/N: "Blake is strong, I know she'll be okay. Goodnight everyone"

Yang and Ruby: "Goodnight Y/N!"

I softly shut their door and sigh heavily

'We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow'

3rd Person POV

Unbeknownst to anybody in the dorm or Y/N who'd just left Weiss had turnt away from Y/N due to her not wanting him to see the light blush that painted her cheeks. Before going to change clothes she softly mutters

Weiss: "That dolt..."

Y/n's POV

Ruby: "Blakeee!"

Yang: "Blake!"

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