The First Step (Chapter 3)

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I slowly opened my eyes and checked the time on my scroll I sighed and shook Jaune awake

Y/n: "Good morning, but wake up we have to get ready for today"

Jaune sighed and sat up we both then gatherd our things and headed into the bathroom where we brushed our teeth and changed our clothes into our battle gear in different stalls and not in front of each other of course and then headed down to breakfast

Jaune: "So Y/n I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together?"

Y/n: "Yeah I'd like that"

I say stuffing multiple pancake pieces in my mouth

Jaune: "You don't have to be so rude about i- you said yes?"

Y/n: "There's only like 3 other people I like here, so yeah of course"

I then scarf down the rest of my food and head into the lockers where Jaune and I get our weapons and when we get there I see a orange haired girl bugging a ninja built guy

I scoff

Y/n: "Hate to be on a team with her right Jaune- and he's gone. Cool dude"

I then notice my sister's and walk over to them

Ruby: "Good morning Y/n!"

Y/n: "You're awfully chipper this morning Rubes"

Ruby: "Yup! No more awkward small talk or getting to know you stuff! I get to let my sweetheart do all the talking!"

She then caress Crescent Rose her weapon

Yang: "Remember Ruby you're not the only one going through initiation if you wanna grow up you'll have to meet new people and learn to work together"

Ruby: "Ughhh you sound like dad! First of all what does meeting people have to do with fighting and second of all I don't need people to help me grow up I drink milk."

Y/n: "What about when we form teams?"

Ruby: "Uhh I don't know maybe I'll just be on your guy's team or something..."

She got a loss a lot of confidence when she said that I wonder why. Yang then looks at me and starts playing with her hair I know she wants me to take over for her

Y/n: "Well maybe you should uh..."

I look away and start playing with my hair twisting it I guess Yang and I really are siblings

Yang: "Being on someone elses team?"

Ruby: "My oh so dear siblings Yang and Y/n..."

Oh here we go

Ruby: "Are you two implying you don't wish to be on the same team as me?"

Y/n: "What? No that's not what we're saying at all! It's just-"

Yang: "Maybe it'd help you break out of your shell"

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