Intermission Chapter: Team CIEE

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Team Cipher (CIEE)

Team Standing: Beacon's No.1
Team Grade: SS
Combat effectiveness: S
Year level: 1st years
Active members: 4


From what has been seen thus far, team CIEE are very promising team with a lot of unlocked potential, although it seems that they make up for each other's weaknesses from the outside looking in on them they may just seem like four immature kids and maybe they are, but come combat time they're arguably equal to or better than our elite second years. Most think that their pool of personality and semblances may be a weakness but for them, they seem to perfectly balance each other out greatly. Their belief in one another is a possible reason to their great success thus far. Although Team CIEE have clear and great potential their mostl blaring weakness would have to be their immaturity and lack of real time combat experience. Although more time at Beacon will most likely fix that. This team has a phenomenal future in store.

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Y/N Branwen

|Gender|: Male

|Age|: 16

|Semblance|: After Effect

|Eye Symbol|:

Short(ish) semblance explanation: Y/N has shown he can absorb direct attacks to his aura for a maximum of 15 seconds and send it back out through his sword with double the original power

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Short(ish) semblance explanation: Y/N has shown he can absorb direct attacks to his aura for a maximum of 15 seconds and send it back out through his sword with double the original power. Although once those 15 second's are up he loses whatever energy that's been stored. If his aura gives out before he release's the energy it'll also automatically leave.

Another thing he is able to do with his semblance is transform whatever energy he's gathered into three to five supercharged swings. Although these swings are not as strong as what was mentioned above.

Although different those are just the same side of a coin. He's thought to have three different forms of After Effect. The second one is caused by rotating the symbol in his eye and with the second stage he can deflect ranged attacks with 2x the power.

He has yet to unlock the third stage of his semblance. He's personally starting to believe there's only two stages.

|Bio|: Y/N Branwen is the child of now deceased hunter F/N L/N and former Beacon student and member of team STRQ Raven Branwen. After the untimely death of his father Y/N wandered around until being found by absolute chance by Qrow Branwen his uncle. Y/N did end up traveling with Qrow for quite a bit of time before he stayed with Taiyang Xaio-Long and his family. Taiyang accepted him treated him just like a son and Y/N even bonded and has a great connection with his half sister Yang Xaio-Long and her sister Ruby Rose. In fact Ruby Rose and Y/N Branwen are so close they refer to each other as brother and sister.

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