Painting the Town (Volume 2 Chapter Five)

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I walk into my teams dorm room, kick off my shoes and crash into my bed I notice my three team members are missing so with a exasperated sigh, I sit up and look at my scroll to see two messages I missed while I was out with Pyrrha. One from Kass who told me her and the others went out to get something to eat. And another from Yang but before I could read it I got a incoming call from her I answered and put the phone up to my ear.

Y/N: "Hi."

Yang: "Y/N! Are you still with Pyrrha?"

Y/N: "Naw, what's up?"

Yang: "Do you think that you could come down to Junior's Club? I'll explain once you get here also get Moonlight in your other gear."

Y/N: "Yeeeeeeshhhh, I'm on my way"

And with that Yang and I hung up and I begin to get dressed and grabbed Moonlight and headed into Vale.


3rd Person POV

Yang sighs and impatiently tapping her foot waiting outside of Juniors Club with Neptune. After a little bit of this Neptune finally speaks up

Neptune: "So where is he?"

Yang: "I don't know, I'll call him again--"

Y/N: "Woahhh, you call me on short notice, tell me to come out here and then attempt to RUSH me?"

Yang and Neptune turn their heads in the direction of Y/N's voice and a grin makes it's way onto Yang's face as she high fives her younger brother and after Y/N fist bumps Neptune

Y/N: "Soooo, what are we doing out here?"

Yang: "I think Junior has some information we could use."

Y/N: "Heh, say no more."

The three of us walk around the corner and a two loud gasps come from two of Juniors guards and they run in and shut the door.

Yang and I look at each other and I nod, signaling for her to blast the door open, which she does. The loud music and bright lights fill my senses

Yang: "Guess who's back!"

Y/N: "Where are my favorite twins at?!"

In record time the barrel of many guns are pointed directly at us. Yang opens her eyes and her smiley slowly fades away.

Neptune: "Yeah, so could you define "Friend" for me?"

Junior: "Stop! Stop! Nobody shoot."

Junior fixes his tie as he pushes his way through all of his bodyguards

Junior: "Blondie, Other one, you're back. Why?"

Yang: "You still owe me a drink."

Y/N: "You already know why I'm here."

I say as I scan around the room and Yang pushes through the guards to the back of the club

Neptune: "Woahhh, what a woman..."

I slowly turn my head to Neptune

Y/N: "I'll neuter you."





Junior sighs as he slams his cup onto the counter, I in return pick up my Cherry Cola and take a swig, though careful not to bump the head of either Malachite sister who's heads rested on either of my shoulders.

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