Team Chemistry (Chapter 5)

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Y/n's POV



And There it is... I sigh my face head down in the pillow I haven't looked around but I can tell my other two teammates, Kass and Emma we're likely just as annoyed hell if not more.

Artist: "WAKEEE U-"

He's quickly shut up by what I'll assume is a pillow to the face and I can't help but to smile maybe I can go back to sleep...

Emma: "Hey- Wait!"

Kass: "Don't you dare!"

And just then I can feel something grabbing at my...? Feet? I'm then quickly dragged out of my bed and I'm on the floor I raise my head up to see Kass and Emma choking Artist

Artist: "Leader!" cough "HELLLLP ME!"

Y/n: "Honestly, Do I want too? Come on you've got not one, but TWO girls touching you! Now you can say your total has upped to... Well two"

I look him in the eyes and see a single tear fall and I sigh I stand up and pry both the girls off him and hold them back while they flail around trying to get back to him. And honestly I can't even blame them

Artist: "Oh come ON don't you think you're being a bit overdramatic?"

After I'm sure the girls have calmed down I let them go and sigh

Y/n: "Yeah! You two need to get in control of your tempers!"

The two of them look down at the floor Emma holding and rubbing her arm feeling ashamed

Artist: "Thank you Leader! I appre-"

Before he can finish his sentence I begin to choke him did he really think this shit was sweet? I'm T I R E D then it was Kass and Emma's turn to pull me off of him

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi team CIEE stomping and punching Artist while telling him to fight back

I sigh as I flop down on the bed at a loss of words before I can even say anything  Emma takes the words right out my mouth

Emma: "You managed to wake us up THREE HOURS EARLIER THAN WE NEEDED TO BE UP?!"

Kass: "I fucking hate it here..."

Artist: "Okay so I was a little off!"

Y/n: "A little huh?"

Well, now here we are in our uniforms awake There's no going back to sleep now unrelated but I like the way I wear mine, loose and messy tie and loose around my upper chest area (?) showing a little bit of my chest

Y/n: "Well no use in crying about it now hey someone pass me the remote now's a good time to watch Konosuba"

Artist: "How the hell did we get a TV again?"

Y/n: "When you're the main character lady luck tends to favour you"

I say this while plopping down on the floor before he could address my claims of me being the main character Emma and Kass sit down next to me and he may be annoyed but Artist does too and I play the first episode.

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