The Shining Beacon (Chapter Two)

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Y/n pov

As soon as we touched down I was shoved out of the way by a blonde kid vomiting everywhere previously dubbed vomit boy

Y/n: "Yikes must suck too be him"

Yang: "Careful Y/n what if you have to compete with him for the love of a girl one day?"

I let out a scoff

Y/n: "Like I'd ever compete with another person over a girl"

Both Yang and Ruby giggle at my somewhat defensive reply

Ruby: "This is gonna be great! What are we gonna do first?!"

Y/n: "Well, you see I think I should check on vomit boy I'll see y'all later!"

And with that I walked toward vomit boy who was hunched over a trash can holding his stomach

Y/n: "Motion Sickness?"

Vomit boy: "Yes, I feel terrible"

Y/n: "I can tell, I know for a fact I couldn't ever get used to it I'm Y/n Branwen you are? Or else I'll call you vomit boy"

Jaune: "Please don't, Well the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue, ladies love it."

Y/n: "Do they?"

Jaune: "Well my mom said they will... Actually let me ask you a question what's with the flask around your neck? You're not old enough to drink right?"

Y/n: "Typically I just ignore that question when I get it but since I feel like we got off on a good foot I'll tell you. There's no alcohol in my flask I just have different types of sodas in here I got into drinking them because my uncle drinks all the time and I'd bug him about giving me some and I guess he tricked me into thinking they were alcohol at a young age and the rest is history"

Jaune: "If you drink soda that much how are your teeth that white?"

Y/n: "Now that's my little secret"

I then grin at him

Y/n: "Since we have a minute until we have to go hear the headmaster speak how about we go meet some people?"

Jaune: "Sounds like a plan, lets go!"

After that me and Jaune walked for a minute and then we saw two girls one with pink hair and another with blonde hair I began to push Jaune towards them and whisperd

Y/n: "Now it's your time bro"

I pushed him to the blonde and we introduced ourselves

Y/n: "Hey, I'm Y/n and this is Jaune"

Jaune: "Uh, Hi"

Jaune began to flirt with the blonde haired girl but It was really awkward I stood next to the pink haired girl who was actually pretty slender and one defining feature of her was the top of her hair was light pink and as if went down it got darker

Y/n's head: "I wonder if her hair color is natural..."

Y/n: "This is really embarrassing..."

???: "Yeah especially considering the fact that she's socially awkward. But hey I'm Kassandra, but please call me Kass

Y/n: "Good too meet you Kass"

Kass: "Right back at you Y/n"

We shake hands and I look at Jaune and the other girl and it's gotten considerably more awkward between so I mentally decide to break things up

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