Girls Go Down (Volume Two Chapter Ten)

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Emma: "Oh, you're the guy Skylar fought right?"

Emma questions the new guy who previously pulled you two aside. To which he nods with a smile

Barrett: Mhm, I'm Barrett. I wanna thank you two for helping me when I fought Skylar. Had you two not stepped in..." he says. You simply just shrug your shoulders though after all, it was really just the right thing to do.

Barrett: "You're the one that's gonna fight her next right?" Barret asks you. "Yeah I am." You quickly respond, in all honesty a little bored.

"I just wanna warn you about Skylar's semblance so you know what to expect before you two fight." He says while turning behind me checking for anyone.

Barrett: "From what I figured out, I believe her semblance allows her to match her speed and strength to her opponents as she sees fit." He says.

Emma: "What if she was just that much better than you?" Emma says rather plainly.

Barrett: "Well that's not entirely possible, jackass. But considering the thing she said while fighting me I think it has something to do with her semblance."

Emma: "Who the hell are you calling a—!"

Y/N: "What was she saying?"

Barret: "Little stuff like mumbling how she'd have to match my strength and stuff."

Emma: "That could also just be high battle IQ."

Barrett: "Are you still on my dick?"

Emma: "Y/N tell your new friend here that I'll fucking—"

Y/N: "Adjustment!" You shout finally processing the information Barret had laid out for you

Barrett: "That's the word I was looking for! Adjustment."

Emma: "You don't have a clue what that means."

Barrett: "How the hell does he even get along with you? Every day must be hell."

Y/N: "Honestly, we don't even argue. She tells me to shut up and I listen."

Emma: "And that's exactly why our friendship works. But we best be getting to our room our friends are waiting."

Y/N: "Yeah, we'll see you around. Thanks again for the information."

Barrett: "See ya."

And with that you and Emma separated from him and headed back the room you guys had gotten, though the only one there at the moment was Artist, who was sprawled out on a bed.

Y/N: "Artist...?"

Artist: "Y/N!"

In a instant he shoots up from the bed and nearly tackles you in a hug, grabbing your shirt.

Artist: "Please take us back! I can't take this anymore!"

Emma: "I take it the investigation isn't going to well?"

Artist: "Not even! But it's so fucking boring!" He says falling down to his knees.

Artist: "It's just stakeout, investigate, and question. How's it going for you guys?"

Y/N: "Well, besides the fact I have to fight the strongest person here in a one on one fight tomorrow, not awful."

Artist: "Ooh yeah. Assuming you get her to talk, what're you even gonna ask her?"

Y/N: "Yato says, with the way this arena works along with her position in it she should be able to get a list of all the people here. So I'll probably ask her for that."

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