Emotions (Volume Two Chapter 1)

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Emma POV

Emma: "Ugh, I need something to eat."

Artist: "Sameeee..."

I look to the left of me and Artist slumps over being a bit more more dramatic than he needed to be. But still We're hungry I get it.

Kass: "Would you two stop complaining? We have lunch next."

Artist: "Speaking offfffff Y/N are you going to come with us today?"

Y/N: "Huh? Oh, no I'm not hungry"

Kass: "Y/N. You need to eat"

Y/N: "And I will, I'm just not hungry right now"

Emma: "You haven't been hungry the last two days"

Y/N: "Guy's, seriously I'm okay I promise I'll eat today kay'? I'm just not hungry at this moment"

Emma: "Ju-

I'm quickly cut off as the bell rings signaling the end of the class and Y/N walks out leaving us and causing a array of different reactions but one emotion is guaranteed: frustration.

We all gather or things and walk out the class room and begin to walk to the cafeteria.

Emma: "Ugh, I wish he'd just talk to us..."

Artist: "I hope Y/N knows that he can trust us with anything"

Kass: "As do I, but we can't force him into it."

Emma: "That's true but still, it kind of hurts..."

We walk to the cafeteria in silence after that and soon after grabbing our food we all sit next to teams JNPR and RWBY. The frustration and sadness still looming in the air and the other teams picked up on it.

Yang: "What's up guys?"

Ren: "Yeah you guys look out of characteristically sad."

I take a deep breath and exhale before explaining

Emma: "It's Y/N-"

Kass: "He's been acting strangely he doesn't hang out with us anymore, you see he didn't even bother coming to lunch."

Artist: "Yeh he evn twalks less noe!"

Artist chokes out what he had to say through a stuff mouth causing me to roll my eyes

Emma: "Honestly speaking, I just want leader-. No I just want my friend back..."

The other two sitting across from me nod with frowns on their faces agreeing with me.

Ruby: "Yang and I will talk to him after school."

Yang: "Yeah, it isn't just you guy's he's been acting like this with. Like when was the last time anybody here had a genuine conversation with him?"

The table is overtook with a collective silence further proving Yang's point. Until Pyrrha spoke up

Pyrrha: "I know both you are his sister's but could I be the one to talk to him? I know you're his family but I want to be them one to do it"

A noticeable grin over takes Yang's face as soon as those words left Pyrrha and I think all of us knew exactly what she was thinking. Well everyone with the expection of Ruby and Pyrrha.

Ruby: "Wellmhmmmm-!"

Yang quickly covers Ruby's mouth the grin still placed on her face

Yang: "Of course! I mean if that's what you want"

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