Jaunedice (Chapter 6)

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Cardin: "This is the part where you lose."

Jaune: "Over my dead bod-"

He's then quickly cut off by a knee to the stomach and he lets go off his sword and drops it. Right as Cardin is about to bring his mace down on Jaune Glynda Goodwitch sounds the buzzard and tells Cardin that's enough.

Me? Well I'm looking at everything unfold with my fists clenched tight I can't stand Cardin. At All. I look up and Cardin's Aura is still in the green Jaune hasn't hit him at all

Cardin: "How'd he even get to this school?"

Yeah I'm done.

Y/N: "A better question to ask is how are the police gonna identify your face after I'm done."

Cardin looks directly at me and shoots me a dirty look

Cardin: "What did you say"

Y/N: "You heard me clown. How about I walk up there and beat your as-"

Professor Goodwitch: "Mr. Branwen! Watch your language!"

Now the rest of the class is looking at me and honestly I couldn't care less. Fuck this guy he's not gonna speak about my friend any kind of way

Y/N: "You're better off telling that idiot up there to watch how he talks about Jaune! I because I can assure you I'm the last person Cardin wants to fight."

Cardin: "Keep talking and you'll end up like him"

Y/N: "I'm sorry, I thought a trash can said something to me"

Right as I was about to walk over to him a hand grabs my arm and stops me it's Pyrrha she has a pleading look on her face

Pyrrha: "Y/N, don't do it, he's not worth the trouble"

Before I can reply Professor Goodwitch opens her mouth

Professor Goodwitch: "Mr. Branwen and Mr. Winchester. Please save this energy for next class"

I smile at Pyrrha assuring her I'm okay and I won't do anything TOO stupid and she let's go. I turn back to Cardin and in a low but angry tone

Y/N: "He'd better hope that's the next time I see him, anywhere else and I won't be stopping when his aura is red."


Nora: "So there we were, in the middle of the night"

Ren: "It was day"

Nora: "We were surrounded by Ursa"

Ren: "They were Beowolves"


Ren: "Two of them"

As interesting as this story was I turn my head to the left and see Jaune picking at his food and I sigh after Nora wraps up her story I talk

Y/N: "Jaune you okay dude?"

Jaune: "Uh? Oh!"

He jumps up clearly suprised and drops his fork on his plate

Jaune: "Yeah why?"

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