Starset Arena (Volume Two Chapter Nine)

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Yato: "Bartholomew!"

My head shoots forward and I let out a yawn and slowly turn my vision to the huntsmen that's supposed to lead my and friends and I.

Y/N: "My name is Y/N! You know what? How about I just start calling you Humphrey? You'd hate that wouldn't you?!"

Yato: "Well anyways! I wanted to explain some things to you guys before I take you into the arena alright?"

I roll my eyes and nod along with various nods and agreement noises coming from the the rest of my team.

Yato: "Alright, first of all our goal here is to determine the identity of terrorists who are hiding out here. And I've realized that I can't compete in the tournament while searching-"

Kass: "Why are you competing? Can't you just stay and search without fighting?"

Yato: "No, in order to stay in the Arena long-term you'd have to be a fighter or within the team of a fighter and that's where you clowns will come in. One of you will act as our fighter and compete while the rest of us search for our targets."

Emma: "Who's gonna be our fighter?"

Yato: "I don't know you all know each other better than me- we're here come on."

The five of us all step off the Bullhead and instantly my jaw drops along with the rest of team who all gave, well, various reactions.

Y/N: "Holy..."

Emma: "This place is gorgeous..."

We all stand in a shared awe, to call the building huge would be a understatement. The building stretched far up into the sky almost looking like it could go on forever.

The material the building was made out of us was absolutely beautiful aswell it complimented the arena perfectly.

Yato: "Well? Come on team, we have a mission to accomplish."

The five of us entered the great building and the inside was just as gorgeous as the outside. The marble walls that lined the place matched the aura the arena was giving off almost perfectly.

Emma: "Ow."

I pull myself out of my thoughts and and turn to Emma was holding her shoulder and facing another person who tried to continue walking

????: "Move, you're in my way."

Without missing a beat, I reach out and grab the person in question shoulder which they slap my hand off them

Y/N: "Excuse you."

The person turns back to me, I can't make out their face perfectly due to the large hoodie their wearing blocking it out I can make out at least by the body shape they're a male.

????: "What?"

Y/N: "You bumped into her so you're gonna say excuse me and apologize to her."

Kass and Artist stayed silent but the look they each gave me told me clearly that they were ready for anything.

????: "Do you have any idea who I am? I won't be apologizing to anyone asshole."

Y/N: "I wouldn't give a damn who the hell you are. You're not gonna disrespect one of my people. Bitch."

Yato: "What the hell is going on here-!"

The two of stood in a tense silence, clearly waiting for other one to make a move but Yato grabs my shoulder dragging me back a little

Yato: "He's so sorry! He had no idea who you are Skylar!

Y/N: "No, no, no. I meant every word- Skylar? What do you know him or something? And who names their son Skylar?"

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