Ruby Rose & Y/N Branwen (Chapter One)

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Ruby: "Hurry uppp you're walking slowww"

Y/n: "Cool it Ruby you're just walking fast"

Ruby: In a mocking voice "Cool it Ruby you're just walking fast. That's what you sound like"

Y/n: "I- you know what never mind aren't you like 13? Relax before I send you to bed"

Ruby: "You can't send me to bed we're in the streets"

Y/n: "Bet I can you belong to the streets"

Ruby: "You're so mean!"

Y/n: "Only to you"

Soon after our conversation we walk into the Dust shop I think it's called from Dust Till Dawn... What a corny name as we enter the shop we greet the man working and we go to the back Ruby puts on her headphones and starts listening to music or whatever and I put in one of my windpods (A/n: haha see what I did there? I know you did. I'm tired)

And start playing (F/S) and start singing the lyrics under my breath while reading a comic

Soon enough I heard the door open to the shop at first I ignored even though I thought it was a bit odd to be at a dust shop this late but soon enough I heard some dude tell his goons to start collecting the dust

Y/n: "Sigh. Maybe if we don't move they won't notice us"

Goon: "Hands where I can see em!"

Y/n: "Maybe he's not talking to u-"

Goon: "Hey! I said hands in the air! You two have death wishes or something?"

Of fucking course. The idiot then grabs Ruby by the shoulder and forcefully turns her around I then put my windpod back in it's case and turn around as well

Ruby: "Hm?"

Y/n: "Here we go..."

He then points at his ears signalling to Ruby to take her headphones off she then puts them around her neck

Goon: "I said hands where I can see them now!"

Y/n: "Are you-"

Ruby: "Robbing Us?"

Goon: "Yes!"

Y/n & Ruby: "Oh"

We both then look at eachother with a grin and duo kick the guy to the front of the store causing him to crash into the wall I then notice a orange haired guy

Y/n: "Him, that's their boss"

Ruby: "How do you know?"

Y/n: "The dude has literally orange hair and is wearing a different colored suit"

Ruby: "Checks out"

Another guy then comes running at us once again we smirk at each other and Ruby uses her semblance to crash out the window and I just use the door like a person who doesn't have a speed semblance when I look at Ruby she is slowly standing up with Crescent Rose in her hands and then she stabs it into the ground

Y/n: "Such garbage man you had such a cool introduction to them and I had to use the door what the hell"

Orange haired man: "Okayyy, get them"

All his men then proceed to run at us at first I was contemplating putting the beats on them with my hands but I decided against and Unsheathed my weapon I trip one and stomp on his bacl and kick the other one in the chin I look to my left to see a dude firing whatever at the two of us and I use a smaller weapon on me to deflect everything back at him and then I punch him in the mouth sending him flying after that Ruby and I link back up and stare at the Orange haired man

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