The First Step Part 2 (Chapter 4)

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Y/n's POV

A/n: (So yeah I combined the first step Pt2 and The Emerald forest into one chapter So this one is extra long. Enjoy and have a good day/night )

Audio Box???: "Will all first year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation. Again: Will all first year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation"

Y/n: "Well that kind of ruins my immaculate exit"

I sigh and walk to the cliff and there I see Ozpin and Glynda I step onto the platform there and wait trying my best to stay awake. Around 5 minutes later everyone else starts stepping on platforms Jaune gets the one to my right and Yang and Ruby take the ones to my left

Y/n: "So am I the only one kind of nervous or...?"

Ruby: "Nope! Not at all I'm right with you..."

Yang: "You guys have nothing to worry about! You'll be fine!"

Y/n: "Yeah, iight hopefully he's gonna pass out parachute's before he launches us off"

Yang: "I'm sure of it"

As if on cue as our conversation ended Ozpin started talking and i couldn't help myself as I started to tune him out but something that was said did catch my attention again

Glynda: "I'm sure you've all heard the rumors about teams, well allow us too put a end to your confusion you'll be giving teammates today"

Ozpin: "These teamates will be with you for the rest of your time at Beacon so it's important to pick someone whom you can whom you can work well with"

I hear Ruby make some sort of squeaking noise she's nervous but I don't see why it's not like it's gonna be randomized or whatever all she has to do is pick Yang or I

Ozpin: "With that being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years"

And when that it felt like my heart was in my balls I'm not a anti social person or anything but EYE CONTACT?! This is the definition of nerve wrecking

Ruby: "WHAT?!"

Orange haired girl: "See? I told you!"

Y/n: "What the hell man.."

Ignoring the flurry of reactions he continues and naturally everyone begins to quite down

Ozpin: "Once you're partnered up make your way down the the northern end of the forest you'll meet opposition on your way don't hesitate too destroy everything in your way or you will die."

Y/n: 'This school is going too be the death of me'

Ozpin: "You'll be monitored and graded during the duration of your initiation by our instructors but they will not intervene at the end of the path you'll find a abandoned temple containing serveal relics each pair will grab a relic and-"

I begin too tune him out again but to my misfortune he was damn near done

Ozpin: "Any questions?"

As Jaune raises his hand he's quickly ignored

Ozpin: "Good now take your positions"

And like he said everyone takes their said position including me I unsheathe my katana and begin to figure out a way to land without crippling myself and from the way things were looking he's definitely not handing out parachutes. I hear a spring and as I look in the direction of the sound I see Weiss get launched off and I sigh

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