Dance Dance Prelude (Volume Two Chapter Six)

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A/N: Yo! Thanks for 40k reads! Ily all <3 I'll be combining two chapters for this one also thanks for 300 followers!

Glynda: "And that's the match."

Cardin: "Lucky shot..."

The class sat in awe as the fight between Pyrrha and the entirety of team CRDL came to its conclusion, with Pyrrha crowned as the victor.

Glynda: "Well done Ms.Nikos you should have no problem qualifying for the tournament."

Right, the tournament I forgot about that, I'm sure my team will want to enter but I couldn't be less interested honestly.

Pyrrha: "Thank you, professor."

Glynda: "Alright, I know that's a tough act to follow but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers?"

Glynda: "Ms. Belladonna? You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you-"

????: "I'll do it."

A hand raises into the air gathering the entire class including Professor Goodwitches attention

Glynda: "Mercury, is it? Very well let's find you a opponent-"

Mercury: "Actually, I... wanna... fight... Her."

And he points at Pyrrha shocking her even a little. I stare at him before quickly speaking

Y/N: "You saw she just fought. You should fight someone else, to fight her seems kind of c-"

Pyrrha: "No! It's okay Y/N! I'd be happy to obliged."

I shrug my shoulders though I'm sure concern still ever present in my eyes, but I stay quiet, if anyone knows their limits it's her after all.




The two of them square off on the rather large stage Mercury walking around her before finally settling on a position and after what seemed like forever, finally ran at her.

His foot connected with her shield and she swiped her sword knocking him off balance onto the ground. Next he got up with the use of multiple backflips to create some separation between the two of them.

Pyrrha then takes her turn and runs at them, they go blow for blow before Pyrrha lands a good hit into his stomach sending him back a little.

Y/N (Mumbles): "Hm, he's good. I'm clear of both of them though."

And then Mercury jumps into the air bringing his foot down forcing them back into a brawl, Mercury gets a good amount of kicks off onto her shield but Pyrrha jumps back and Mercury kicks her shield some more this time knocking her blade out of her hand, she recovers it and goes to stab up upwards but this time it officially gets kicked out of her hand and stabbed into the ground.

The both stare at it before Mercury goes to kick her but she narrowly dodges it

She pushes him back with her shield and charges at him but he turns around and what he says next shocks me and I'll assume almost everyone else in the room.

Mercury: "I forfeit."

Pyrrha runs passed him and stops

Pyrrha: "You... don't even want to try?"

Mercury: "What's the point? You're a world renowned fighter, we're worlds apart."

Glynda: "In that case, Pyrrha Nikos is the victor of the match. Again, next time you may want to think a little harder before choosing a opponent."

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