𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"Uraume, If you don't hurry up, I'll leave you behind!" I said in a stern voice while waiting. I plucked out the woman's eyes and she is begging to heal back.

I laughed and looked down at woman who is begging for me to spare her life,  she looks pathetic. She was a complete mess, her chest revealed and her hair was messy and the sight of those open wounds wanted me to torment her slowly "Master Sukuna, what do you think we should do to her?" The white hair monk asked, I raised my brow "You already know what I always do at the maggots that crawled on my feet." I smirked.

Uraume's looking down and decided to create an enchantment to attract cursed spirits to torment the woman. As Uraume activated the enchantment, cursed spirits morphed out of the trees and start devouring her, she scream loud asking for help, and we walked away. The scream echoed and I grinned mischievously at the satisfying sound that waves through my ears.

I groaned, traveling throughout bores me. Walking here and there, the usual. Got fortunate to meet travelers and end up devouring them one by one. But for now, I want to terrorize a village and do something fun, like tormenting women and children is something I am good at.

"Master Sukuna I found a way for you to have a little fun." Uraume suggested, "I found a village that has been recently attacked by an unknown cursed spirit." Uraume added.

"Also, while tormenting women and children. I thought you could toy also the unknown cursed spirit, I hope it satisfies your liking." Uraume continued

"Not bad," I replied.

We decided to climb somewhere up so that we can see the view where we are going, Uraume said that 'the village is near, it won't take long for a walk.'

"Master Sukuna, we can already see the small town up here!" Uraume pointed their finger at the small town.

We speed things up but suddenly something stopped us in our tracks. We can see the town clearly from a far distance. But if we're near to it, it was gone. This cursed spirit used an innate domain but it's incomplete. He used this town as his feeding ground if he had already eaten them all this incomplete innate domain will be complete. How amusing, indeed it can satisfy my liking.

'Looks like I can have some fun for a while' I thought to myself. Before I could destroy the Incomplete innate domain, the Innate domain suddenly break down like a crystal shattered by pieces "Master Sukuna, looks like someone got in before us." Uraume said with a tone of disappointment. "Probably a jujutsu sorcerer." Uraume guessed.

We hid our presence and decided to check it out, while walking. The woman with long raven black hair exorcised the cursed spirit, after that she was praised for her heroic actions.

"Master Sukuna, did that woman just use a cursed technique?" Uraume was surprised. I simply ignored Uraume and still decided to watch the whole scene. It's rare to find a female jujutsu sorcerer, most of the sorcerers are men. In their beliefs: 'Men are the source of strengths and women served the men.' I did not care about their beliefs, the stronger the better. The strongest can satisfy my desires, to show I am the one who is at the top and they're the one who is below. Intriguing to see another woman who can use cursed technique like her.

"There's another party coming, we should get out of here Master Sukuna we cannot risk ourselves getting caught," Uraume spoke out.

I let out a low scoff, I could wipe the party even if I have to, but right now If I show myself they will not stop and keep tracking me, which is a pain in the arse.

The woman quickly fled from the scene and ran away. The group scattered to check the town, If only that woman shouldn't show up I could have some little fun, like for example: burning this town to the ground and people burned alived

Uraume and I fled out of the scene and decided to continue our walk.

While walking we saw a wanted poster of my image, I laughed at the image of how they drew me 'Is that how they describe me? I don't have six eyes, also I don't have six arms.' I scratched out the paper and burned it.

"They describe you pretty bad Master Sukuna." Uraume sighed, we passed down near the river and decided to spend a while there. The moon gives a luminous light that shines on the river, making it enchanting.

Uraume left afterward to check on our surroundings, I sat on the rock and throw some pebbles on the flowing river.

"Master Sukuna!" Uraume shouted, "I found an unconscious body!" Uraume added. As I stood up to see who it was, and to my surprise. It was the woman who exorcised the cursed spirit earlier.

"Are you an idiot? Shouldn't you dispose of it?" I said irritatingly "Forgive me master sukuna, but something is telling me to spare her. I will take responsibility for this woman." Uraume kneeled.

"Also, I don't have feelings for this unconscious woman." Uraume added, "If she troubled us, I will not hesitate to cut off her head. Do whatever you want." My gaze was full of menaced and Uraume went silent. Later on, Uraume focused on healing the deep wound on the woman's unconscious body.

We spend three days straight in the place we stayed on, until...

"Master Sukuna, I think you should change your original form into something like a  normal one," Uraume suggested. "What? Why should I change my form to a mere b!tch like her?" I glared. "Master Sukuna, quick!" Before she could fully open her eyes, I change my body into something 'normal' hiding my true form.,

"W-where Am I?" She mumbled weakly. She slowly opened her eyes, Her eyes were the same color as wisteria flowers. She has flaws and she's imperfect and yet such pink kissable soft lips.

What the hell am I thinking?

"Master Sukuna, she's awake!" Idiot, I know. "W-where am I?!" She panicked, it's early in the morning and I already find her annoying.

"I found your body floating on the river and also you are deeply wounded on your stomach." Uraume explained and helped her drink a medicine "The medicine will help you heal the wounds quickly." Uraume added.

She mumbled something out on her breath, she quickly stood up and guarded her ground "Who are you?" She asked in a serious tone, her other hand clutching the wound. She was pale, and she clearly lost too much blood, her breathing was uncontrolled, and cold sweat running down her.

"My name is Uraume and that man who is standing next to me is my master." Uraume introduced.

"I'm grateful for the both of you helping me, I need to go back and settle things up with my family." She tried to stand up and she groaned painfully. If we let her go then that means, she will possible describe who helped her, and jujutsu sorcerers will track us down. I won't let this getaway away.

"You cannot go back and never will be." I glared "Is that how you thanked us for helping you?" I threatened.

"Do you know who I am?" Uraume went pressured by the oozing bloodlust I showed "No and I have no intention knowing a stranger like you, I am grateful for you two helping me and I am in huge debt for of it." She give me a genuine look with truth and honesty coming from her.

"Do whatever you want, but I wouldn't recommend going back or I'll cut off your head brat." I went out of the scene and two of them went quiet.

End of Chapter 4

(A/n: for anime watchers, this character is a spoiler for you, Uraume is a white-haired monk and an androgynous person also they shown loyalty to Ryoumen Sukuna well Uraume's history is unknown. But let's wait for upcoming more updates on the manga XD

Oh shit 90 views! *0* I already find it big, Thank you so much^^ I hope you enjoy reading this story even though I'm not good at writing ;^; .)

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