𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐓𝐰𝐨

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"What brings you here Uraume? Sukuna?" Natsume stopped sweeping the bricked path and her face was surprised as she saw us. "Where's Y/n?"

"Y/n already left, she returned where she suppose to belong." Uraume answered with sadness on their voice.

"I didn't expect you to come back so soon Sukuna~" A voice slurred. As I sighed of annoyance, it was the geezer holding a basket of bottles. "Did something happened?" The geezer hinted.

"From the look both of your expressions, something really did happen. I can sensed Nurarihiyon's weapon "Totsuko no Tsurigi" you've really caused too much trouble Sukuna, don't tell me you are now on their priority list." The geezer placed his palmed on face, hearing a sigh down on his breath.

"I have no time talking about my bullsh!t old man, I need your all seeing eye." I took out the broken necklace and gave it to him. He scanned the necklace and whistled.

"You wanted me to use my cursed techniqu- Wait a minute, this is the carving you gave to that young lady!" He scratched his head. "Did it fell and break?" Natsume spoke out.

"According to Master Sukuna, yes it is." Uraume sighed. "Didn't expect for the king himself believe such omens." The geezer teased.

"Hurry up old man, don't make me wait." I threatened. "Ungrateful kid, you never learn how to respect the one who raised you." He dramatically gesture.

Later on, the old man plucked out Natsume's eye and activated his cursed technique. The geezer's technique was an ability to see the future, he lived long enough gaining the omnipotent ability achieving the stage of immortality. Uraume also reached its stage by stopping the aging effect and its youthful features remain on their face. The geezer traveling here and there stopping the events will happen in the future, and grown tired doing it. Instead he hid himself away away from everyone else and as time goes by, he lives as a living legend on everyone.

As we went inside his room, the geezer activated his technique. While patiently waiting, Natsume and Uraume were having a small talk probably talking about the events that happened while we were on the city. I was getting impatient, wanting to know what he saw in his technique.

Another hours waiting, and now I'm getting too impatient. Before I could speak out and complain, the necklace that the geezer held fell on the ground. The geezer's eyes widened with mix of emotions, he sat on the chair and felt distress out of all the sudden.

"Natsume, get me a drink." The geezer's voice was hoarse as if he was holding back something he bottled up. "What did you see?" I asked "Sukuna, go after her." He stated. I gripped the geezer's shoulder violently and coldly glared at the old man "What. Did. You. See?"

The geezer gave me the eye and as I take a look in it. What I saw was a distorted image, the place was a bloody mess. And there all the places were collapsed as if there was a huge battle between two people, the place itself was eerie.

The place was pooled with blood, it reminds me the day I slaughtered everyone around back at that sh!thole place. The image fast forward itself and changes a scene where the moon shine the darkness of the forest, A woman was lying on the ground as the moon embraces the lifeless soul pitifully. She was slowly dying as she is surrounded by her own blood. 

As the familiar face shown of someone I longed to embrace, with a lifeless eyes and blood trickled down on her opened wound. My eyes widened it was her... dying alone without someone beside to save the woman I longed to feel the warmth. Her face was getting pale from the loss of blood, the image itself reminds me the death of my brother as I held him on my arms before his last breath.  Death was torturing her slowly, she couldn't speak nor move.

Until, on her last breath. She was a beautiful death that the moon out of the night sky loves to hold.

She is dead on the first fall of cold night.

As the vision of the geezer's technique ended, I went silent. I crushed the eye, I couldn't accept that she is dead.

"My all seeing eye technique never lies Sukuna, what you see will happen." The geezer affirmed.

"She's strong old man, she couldn't die that easily. She exorcised a yuki-onna, second strongest on the one-hundred curses that follow Nurarihiyon." I argued, the visions I seen both of my eyes were unacceptable. She even reversed the effect of her own cursed technique awakening a dangerous ability similar power to my own mother, unlike my mother she can control humans on her own will meanwhile Y/n have the ability to control humans and cursed spirits.

Not all sorcerers will able to trigger the switch to change the nature of their technique but she easily flipped the switch during her fight with a yuki-onna, exorcising a low-level cursed spirit from Nurarihiyon's goons is already difficult to exorcise them from an average jujutsu sorcerer. If she enhanced her skill more, she could probably wipe out Nurarihiyon's goon whenever she wants to, including Nurarihiyon himself.

"Remember Sukuna, no matter how strong you are, in the end you will meet the death itself to end you. Also, she was facing the conflict of her family. She end up everyone lives by her own hands and took the life on her own, even "if" someone found her body its impossible to use a reversed curse technique to revive her. As her soul now wonders here and there waiting for the god of death to send her the afterlife."

I landed a blow on the wall creating a huge impact of the place, the geezer sighed. "If you really wanted to save her you should hurry up and stopped the event that will soon happen. Future can change if you alter it, Sukuna. Weak or strong, a human have the power to change the destiny itself." He added.

"Uraume..." My voice boomed.

"Your orders, Master Sukuna."

"Let's make things quick, prepare what is needed to be prepare." I ordered, uraume bowed and left.

"Are you starting to develop some changes in that young lady aren't you, Sukuna?" The old man questioned.

"So what if I am? Is there a problem with that?" My eye gives a menacing glare that make the geezer laughed.

"You change, kid." Geezer smiled in relief.

"Call me that again, I'll burn down your winery." 

As we went outside, Uraume changed their clothing. I changed my form into my original form to make the everything quick, I still have two weeks before the fall. I must arrive there before she could do something reckless.

"What would happen, the moment we arrived at Y/n's hometown. We are followed by jujutsu sorcerers?" Uraume frowned.

"I could kill them whenever I like, as long as we prevent that event. I wouldn't care less what will happen next as long as she's safe. That's all it matters."

"I will never let you down, master sukuna. I'll swore to you my loyalty and my life to you." I grin of Uraume's declaration, and we soon went out to save her from death.

End of Chapter 32

(A/n: Heyah! I hope you enjoy reading the latest chapter *^*/♡♡♡ and I wanted to say thank you so much for reading my story so far, I never expect this story will reach 73k. I am forever grateful and thankful to you all guys. I'm not a very good writer and had made a lot of mistakes, and so far this is my first fanfiction story that I seriously keep writing on. (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') once again i hope you enjoy reading and be safe always and stay home :3)

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