𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"Did you readied your things Y/n?" Uraume asked and I nodded "Natsume was too kind and gave me this!" I showed Uraume a formal kimono outfit.

I was surprised for Natsume having this kind of kimono, it was well-designed and the patterns are embroidered perfectly. She gave me some rear pins and silk flower hair combs last night, I insisted on her decision to give me such important hair accessories but she forced me to accept it. The only thing she said last night was"Be presentable." I was confused about what she meant by that but I have no choice but to accept the gift she has given me.

I cleaned the room for a short minute and Uraume kept Natsume's gift on a big chest. I worried that Uraume's gonna be troubled carrying such heavy objects while walking on that long neverending stairs.

I went to look for Natsume and Old man Mako and find them in the dining hall. I deeply hugged Natsume and she smiled "I can't wait to visit you both again!" I beamed "Be careful Young Lady, Heiankyo is a big city you might easily get lost since it's crowded." Old man Mako advised "Thank you Old man Mako. Also, this necklace is very helpful I will never forget your kindness!"

"Better wear the Kimono I gave you, It was given to me by an old friend but I never wear it because it was too uncomfortable to wore. Make sure to use it." Natsume gives a cheerful looked.

"Brat, We should go. I don't want to waste time!" Sukuna called outside. I bid them goodbyes and departed.

Summer came and the travel is not gonna be easy. I came to realized we have to walk under the heat of the sun, I sighed in relief good thing Natsume gave me a fan as well. This fan could be a good use for me while traveling with them.

I was expecting that we will walk through the neverending stairs but I was surprised we didn't "Uraume what about the wagon we left?" I questioned and Uraume smiled confidently "Don't worry Y/n after we arrived at Old man Mako's house I came back and placed it somewhere."

Uraume walked towards the bushes and showed the wagon, Sukuna himself decided to take a nap on the wagon. I was pretty annoyed that Uraume's gonna have a hard time pushing it "Maybe we should look for a horse Uraume. I feel bad if you keep pushing the wagon for four weeks straight." I suggested.

"That would be a good idea." Uraume agreed.

Later on, Uraume found a horse and I assumed that it was 'stole' I feel bad whoever owns this fella, it might wondered why his stallion's missing. Sukuna was deep asleep and we didn't bother waking him up, and I can hear his light snores. It was pretty funny.

It would be boring if we kept traveling without talking, this is my opportunity to get to know them more. I don't know why I have to urge myself to get to know them but I think it's a good feeling.

"Uraume, what kind of food do you like?"

"Nothing, in particular, I'm not a picky eater but I'm more into watermelons. Why'd you ask?"

"I just want to get to know you both more." I chirped. "Well, it would be a pity if we travel together without knowing much." Uraume said.

"What's your taste in men?" I choked at Uraume's question "What's with the question?"

Uraume laughed at my reaction "Nothing, I think it's too common to ask about colors, food, and places." I give a gesture of thinking. I never experienced romance before nor knowing much about men, I spend my days inside of the household having a hard lecture and being trained by the elders. I didn't give much thought to it,"

"Well, I'm not sure but I like a man who is strong who could protect me from danger, also handsome." I dramatically gestured and Uraume facepalmed.

"To be truthful, I don't know much about men. But the only thing I could ask for is a man who would love me wholeheartedly no matter what happened." I admitted.

Uraume blinked of surprise "Well I hope you can find a man like that."

"What about you Uraume, I never know anything much about you. How long did you serve Sukuna."

"Well, I served him since I arrived at his family's residence, and ever since I could remember I continued serving him after that." Uraume said proudly.

Could it be my first thought about Sukuna is correct? Sukuna himself came from a noble family. Uraume mentioned that Sukuna is a cursed spirit, but if Uraume served him ever since then how did Sukuna became a cursed spirit? But it is impossible to become one unless you died. Then did Sukuna died and reborn into a cursed spirit? Maybe I'll soon later found out...

An hour later, We keep talking about irrelevant topics. Sukuna woke up after that and start complaining. He kept complaining about being hungry and ask Uraume to cook some food for him.

"Hey! You couldn't just order Uraume like that after carrying a wagon! You even ride and take a nap, that makes things heavier, good thing Uraume stole a horse to make a lot of things easier." I snapped.

"Then do you know how to cook brat?" Sukuna glared "No, then why don't you cook on your own then and let Uraume rest." I retorted.

"It's fine Y/n, I'm not tired at all," Uraume reassured "B-Bu-"

"You heard Uraume brat, put away your worries for now. The important thing is that I'm hungry!"

Uraume went to find some food in the forest and all that was left is me and Sukuna "Being stuck with you annoys me."

"At least I didn't bother asking about your tattoos again." I retorted.

"Tell me about you."

I gave him a surprised look, Did he just said that? "For someone who is a misogynist I did not expect for you to be nice." I teased, he rolled his eyes "I'm just bored, boredom can sometimes kill you." Sukuna stated.

I shrugged "Well, shouldn't I be asking that? I don't know much about you and Uraume. Well, I think I started to get to know Uraume a little because we kept talking an hour ago."

"Fine, after you answered my question you can ask me." He grunted.

"Well... I can use cursed techniques!" He gave a bored look "Well it's not an interesting technique though, but an ordinary person can go insane and possibly kill himself. It can affect a cursed spirit too, but the first thing they felt its emptiness, and the second they realized they already hurt themselves." I paused.

"In conclusion, my cursed techniques are related to illusion." I proudly stated, "Brat, I'm not interested in knowing your techniques, I'm interested in knowing about you." Sukuna reminded.

What is with him all of the sudden? If I finished his demands I can ask about him next.

"Well, nothing is interesting about me. I'm just a person who is born with a curse, growing up with a strict father and elders having great expectations to me makes me want to run away from it. Unfortunately, I don't get to experience freedom back then it's like a beast being chained, I got myself to taste the freedom after a close friend of mine stabbed me and push me on a cliff... Did I talked too much?"

He scoffed and turned his back while laying on the ground "What abou-"

"Save that question next time brat, I heard a lot for now."

Uraume arrived after our conversation ended, Uraume caught a lot of fishes. I helped setting a fire and after that the rest of the night was unforgettable. Because this time I slowly get to know them more. And I felt relief that even he is rude and grumpy he is starting to crack the shell.

End of Chapter 16

(A/n: I have read your comments and My heart was like BA-BUMP \T♡T/ your votes and comments have really encouraged me a lot. And a lot of ideas are running on my mind and I just want to scream so bad. Also, while having some ideas I decided to do some more research and I can wait to write it on the future chapters O^O

I just wanna say Thank you so much T^T and I love you Muwahhhhhh)

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