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Hey guys this chapter is really short I mean really short but I had to get it out of the way.



I stayed up crying all night, confused, shocked and scared. My last conversation with Danny replayed in my mind. 'Ingrid thinks I'm amazing so why don't you?'


Why did they choose to talk to me now when they were the bad boys and the delinquents? Why choose now after all these years? 

I know he saved me and everything but he was out of line so I vowed to ignore him.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Marshall asked after I told him everything.

"HE DID WHAT NOW?!!!" That was Leah's response after I had finished telling her everything. I told Amy but her response was much the same as Marshall's.

Lunch came and I walked over to my usual table. Leah, Amy and Marshall were already there and I waved to them to signal I was coming.

"Hey Ally!" A cheery voice said from beside me. Turning around, I saw it was James. His blond hair flopped into his crystal blue eyes. He was incredibly hot but he didn't compare to Danny...

"Hey James. Do you wanna sit down with me?" I asked.

"Actually there was something I wanted to ask you Ally." Oh god. His face was serious this could only mean one thing..."Will you go out with me again?" He asked.

I didn't really know what to say and I was getting flustered. I looked to the empty seats where Danny and Mark usually sat. I know he never showed any interest towards me but my mind wandered to Danny and how he would feel.

"I need some air." I looked at James and ran out of the canteen. Marshall ran out after me and grabbed my arm.

"Ally, what has James done? Do I need to beat him up?" He asked jokingly.

"He asked me out." My voice was so tiny it was almost not there. I knew I was making a big fuss over nothing 

"Tough call. Do you go out with the perfect ex-boyfriend or stay a single pringle?" We both stayed silent for what seemed like ages until Marshall broke it.

"I say go out with him...if he messes it up, I will beat him up just tell me where and when. Sound good?" He smiled and squeezed my shoulder. I let out a deep breath and we walked back to the canteen. James was talking with Leah when we got there but stood up when I came in.

"Yeah" I told him. It took a while to sink in what I had actually just said but once he go it, he leapt forward and took me in a big hug. Amy and Leah clapped whilst Marshall just looked proud. James looked happy and me? I sat staring into nothing thinking about Danny, how he saved me and how this would make him feel. I was being a self centred, melodramatic teenager and karma was bound to come back around.


Danny's POV

I got home after school and went on to Facebook. Don't ask me why. I just did. I didn't go to the canteen today so I need to be filled in on what happened at school. Lots of people were chatting about James going out with someone but frankly, I couldn't care what that asshole did.

I hovered over the button for about a minute before I clicked the left mouse key.

Alex Harling:

In a relationship


Ally's POV

I got home from school and began to do my homework. After finishing my Spanish essay planning, I logged on to Facebook and changed my status to 'In A Relationship' just to add that cheesiness to it. After a while, I returned to my homework and cracked open my maths book.

'Your on the phone with you girlfriend

She's upset  

She's going off about something that you said 

She doesn't get your humour like I do 

I'm in my room it's a-' My ringtone blared Taylor Swift and I ran to find my phone on my bed. It was an unknown number.

"Hello?"I asked.

"Is it true?" Came the recognisable voice down the line.

"Is what true Danny?"

"Don't play dumb with me princess. Are you going out with James?" He snapped.

"Yes." I managed to whisper and there was a frustrated sigh from the other end.

"For gods sake Danny!" Came Mark in the background.

"Listen I've gotta go. I don't really wanna talk" I said before hanging up.


We wish you a merry Christmas  

We wish you a merry Christmas  

We wish you a merry Christmas  

And a happy New Year


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