6 months later

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It has been 6 months and I can still officially call myself Danny O'Donoghue's girlfriend also, Mark and Amy are still very much in love.

Me and Danny have not had any mishaps in our relationship... Well... apart from the time when Danny broke into a shop, stole a bunch of flowers and we had to drive off really quickly on his motorbike with the police chasing us. My birthday came and Danny bought me a leather jacket and then of course, I had to go off shopping with Leah and Amy to buy an outfit that matched. Whenever Danny was around I always had fun. Sometimes a little too much like the time when he took me to a bar and we both got drunk. Lets just say my parents were far from impressed and had me grounded for a week. I was meeting up with Danny in 5 minutes and I couldn't wait. I saw him less than 24 hours ago but I miss him every time he leaves the room. It's like we are attracting magnets and we can't pull away from each other. I grabbed my phone and purse from my bed and ran down the stairs, bumping into my mum and dad. "I'm going out!" I told them. "Out with that Daniel boy I presume?" My dad asked. "Yes dad. Anything wrong with that?" "He has changed you Ally. He is a bad influence." He told me with sad eyes. My mum elbowed him in the ribs and smiled at me. "Have fun baby!" She called after me as I opened the front door. Danny was on his motorbike, waiting for me. His dark brown hair was perfectly styled but his face looked different. It was worn out and tired and he had dark shadows under his eyes. He tried to smile but his eyes didn't glisten like they normally do. "What's wrong Dan?" I asked concerned and pecked his lips quickly. "Nothing. Why?" "You just look- never mind." I didn't finish it because I knew he would not answer even if I sat him at an interrogation table and shone a light in his face. Danny then pulled me closer and kissed me slowly. When he pulled away, I was breathless, it was the same every time he kissed me. I put my helmet on, climbed onto the motorbike and we sped off towards our destination.... wherever that was. We reached the local park and sat down on the swings. I was a bit puzzled as to why he brought me here but I didn't ask. "Listen Ally..." Danny began but he couldn't seem to find the right words. "I don't think that we should-" "Dan the man!" Came a shout from a random direction, causing us to turn our heads. We found the source: Mark. He was with Amy, both of them were walking hand in hand and Mark was eating what looked like a Fab ice lolly. So childish. They started running towards us and I got up and hugged Amy. "Hey girl!" She said, a massive smile on her face. "Hey! How was your date last night?" I asked beaming. "It was beautiful. We walked along the river until we go to this table set up under the stars and we had a Chinese take away over looking the water. It may sound boring, yo know, a take away, but it was truly one of the most romantic things anyone has ever done for me!" She gushed. Whilst me and Amy had been chatting, Mark had pulled Danny aside and they were having a rather heated discussion. Well... Danny was being angry, Mark being the peace maker he was had a concentrated face whilst trying to cool Dan down. "I really can't!" Danny protested. "You are going to have to Dan. It's killing you. You haven't been to sleep in days, you look like a mess. You will get ill!" "I can't bloody do it Mark! I just bloody can't! I know it will hurt her even more if I don't let her know but it will kill me even more if-" Danny and Mark cut themselves off and slowly turn around to see us staring at them. I was mightily confused. What was going on? ********************************************************* This is all in bold and i dont know why... sorry

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