Walk Away (The Script Fan Fic!)

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I woke up in a cocoon of duvet covers. It was so warm but yet again, that annoying beeping noise broke me from dreamland and into the cold reality that is a school morning.

Quickly, I ran out of my room, into the bathroom, slipped my pyjamas off and got in the shower. Voila! I didn't even notice the cold.

I washed out the conditioner in my hair before doing the one thing I always regret.

Turning the shower off.

It is just so nice in the shower, warm water and hit steam swirling around you. But then you realise you can't stay in there singing all day so you have to get out.

Luckily my towel had been on the radiator so it was soft and warm and I snuggled into it. I towelled off my hair and walked over to the sink, wearing my towel as a dress. I pressed down on the nozzle and cold face gel oozed out onto my hand. I delicately rubbed it in to my face before washing it off with warm water.

I ran back down the landing not really caring who I woke up on the way. I darted into my room.

10 minutes later, my hair was brushed but still wet because really, who has the time for hair dryers? They take so bloody long!

I was dressed in my school uniform; black skirt, black tights and white shirt with a red and black tie. I sat down and was greeted by my mum. She popped a bagel in the toaster and I got out the Nutella.

'What shall I do with my hair today?' I mulled over the various hair style options but after a second or two I decided to leave it down. I put on mascara and eyeliner and I was all set.

I checked that I had my phone, iPod and money for lunch then said goodbye to my mum and left for school. My blonde hair blew in the wind as I walked down the road.

Suddenly, a loud roar came from the road. 2 motorbikes sped past us and into the school car park whilst every girl just stood and stared after them.

That was Danny and Mark.

Slowly, everybody went back to their reality and began walking again. I hurried along the path on to the school grounds, glancing at my watch. Shoot! I only had 3 minutes to get to my form room.

I walked into something in my hurry and nearly fell until strong arms held my waist and pulled me up.

I looked up and saw...

Danny. I can not believe I just nearly fell over in front of him. I can not believe he caught me. My face flushed red.

God I blush easily!

I looked back up at Danny.

"T-thank you!" I stuttered but it was so quiet I don't even think I heard it.

He obviously did though. "Oh hey, Alex." He knows my name?

"H-hey!" I replied.

"Where are you off to?"

"Form room where else? **** we're late! Are you coming?" I said, surprising myself at my new found confidence.

"Did you just... Swear?" He looked at me amused.

"Jeebus! Are you deaf or something." Oh my god, I just said Jeebus in front of Danny O'Donoghue. "****." I said out loud not realising I said it whilst a teacher was passing.

"You should not be using that kind of language at this school young lady, come to my room at break today!"


"After school detention Miss Harling." The teacher said before storming off.

I turned realising Danny was still there looking extremely amused. Suddenly, he burst out laughing.

"Classic! You should have seen her face, you really ticked her off!" He managed to say.

Being the childish person I was, I stuck my tongue out a him. Where was all this confidence coming from?

"I'm gonna go now before-" I began.

"You embarrass yourself more?" He finished off for me. "Don't worry about detention, it is more fun than you think. Plus, I will be there." Danny said before winking and walking off.

I walked to my form room and sat down in my place. Everybody else was reading so I got out my book. I couldn't concentrate on the words though.

After 2 seconds, someone to the left of me nudged my arm. It was Leah. I had known her since pre school and our mums were best friends too. She had blonde hair, that went a little past her shoulders. She had blue eyes rather than my hazel ones but other than that, she looked almost exactly like me.

"What the hell Ally?" She asked me. I was really confused. "What is this rumour that you were talking to Danny O'Donoghue?"

"It was nothing I just ran-" The blush was spreading up my cheeks but she cut me off.

"Let me rephrase the question. Why. The. Hell. Were. You. Talking. To. The. Hottest. Boy. In. School?" Leah talked as if I was a 3 year old.

"I just bumped into him and he caught me so I said thank you. I swore because I was late, a teacher heard then I called her a biatch I now have an after school detention with Danny." I rambled out smiling sheepishly at the end, my cheeks getting hotter by the second.

I looked at Ally for a response. After it sank in she squealed so loudly that the teacher gave her a questioning glance.

"Oh.My.God. You are on first name terms with the hottest guy in the whole school, you swore in front of him and have an after school detention with him." I nodded in clarification causing Leah to squeal again. Cue glare from teacher.

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