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So I hope you liked the last few chapters!

I just had my haircut and my hairdresser said that Danny O'Donoghue was hot and an incredibly good singer! I agreed immediately.

Much love  

Lucy x


Ally's POV

Ingrid. Where to begin? She had fake blonde hair, orange skin (from fake tanning too much) and her face was caked in make up. I have to actually congratulate her though. Everyday she keeps her eyes open even though they are covered in lumpy mascara and fake eyelashes. Fake.  

But she wasn't a dumb blonde though, she was brilliant in every subject especially Games. She was the teacher's pet and class show off, queen of the populars and queen of the 'Dark Side' as we called it.

"You will want my say in the matter soon." She said. "I am going to ask Danny out. He will be my boyfriend and I want your skanky hands off him."

My heart sunk. Boyfriend? Really?

"He won't say yes to you." Marshall said. "Now leave me and my friends in peace." Ingrid just gave a shrill cackle.

"Hate me all you like but I can see the jealousy. Better be off now to find Danny." She turned but suddenly, I had courage. I have no idea where it came from but I sure as hell was glad I found it.

"I don't hate you." I said to Ingrid. Me talking alone was enough to make her turn around so I carried on. "But if you got hit by a bus, I would be the one driving that bus." then I turned and sat down at my table. Ingrid simply stomped her foot and stormed off like the spoilt brat she was.

"That was amazing!" Leah screamed. Her and Marshall were grinning from ear to ear. I then realised how many pairs of eyes were on me. Fudgecakes! Don't get the popular girl angry because then you have to deal with the rest of the school and the rumours that they pass on.

"Guys, let's go?" I hinted to Marshall and he seemed to get the picture.

"Yeah. Bye people, shows over!" he called over his shoulder. As soon as we left the room conversations started up again but 10x louder than before. Despite the embarrassment, I felt really proud. I just showed Ingrid who's boss.

There was one thing on my mind. Where was all this courage coming from? Suddenly I wasn't shy anymore. I really liked the new me maybe a new outfit is in order... But the bell rang. Oh joy! Games.

I stepped into the sports hall with Leah and sat down to be registered. The boys were also with us because it was snowing outside.

"Right!" The teacher yelled. "Today, we will be playing mixed Dodgeball! Line up in your forms and we will play house against house!"

Flip. Dodgeball is hell. You voluntarily give yourself up to have netballs thrown at you from every direction. We were playing mixed and the boys are brutal.

"If this is the last time I see you, you have been the best friend anyone could ever have!" I said to Leah before hugging her.

"You too!" She replied. She shared my hate for dodgeball and that is why we are best friends.

"Don't worry ladies! I will protect you!" Marshall said in a really deep voice that made all the girls around us giggle.

"Thank you Marshall, now get your butt over here before we drag you." Leah warned. Marshall ran towards us and before I knew it the game was in play.I dodged and jumped and even threw netballs and suddenly I was in the last 3. I turned to see who else was with me and saw Danny and Mark still in the game.

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