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I know, I know! This has taken me ages and ages for me to write but here you go...


Ally's POV

I took a sip from the glass of water I had in my hand and tried to concentrate on the TV show I was watching but the mildly painful not so regular contractions were bugging me. It was 8 in the morning and I was perched uncomfortably on the sofa, my just under nine month pregnant belly sticking out. I winced as another contraction came and I let out a small whimper but it was gone as soon as it came and I went back to the TV show.

I turned around at the sound of a door opening and closing and saw Danny in a baggy T-Shirt and his boxers walk out of our room, rubbing his face tiredly. He noticed me on the sofa and rushed over to me, his eyes full of worry and concern.

"Are you okay? I heard a noise! Does anything hurt? Do you need anything?" He rushed out and I laughed slightly.

"Everything is fine don't worry!" I reassured him but he didn't look wholly convinced.

"Just tell me if you want something and I will get it for you right away." Danny told me and sat on the sofa next to me, entwining our fingers and kissing my cheek gently. A small beep and a vibration came from Danny's phone on the table and he sighed reluctantly and checked the message. He rolled his eyes and passed the phone to me so I could read the message.

Mark: I know you want to stay with Ally but we have an emergency in the studio and you need to come here ASAP!!!

"Go, I'll phone Amy to come and look after me whilst you're gone and if anything happens I will get her to ring you." I said firmly.

"I am not leaving you here even if Amy is with you!" Danny protested but I shook my head.

"I know you want to stay but nothing is going to happen in the three hours you're gone." I told him and pushed him up. He held out his hand to help me get off the sofa an I gladly took it. As soon as I was standing, I pushed him towards our bedroom door and Danny reluctantly got changed.

"Are you sure?" Danny asked at the door just as he was about to leave.

"Positive. Plus my contractions are hours apart it may not even happen today!" I told him even though I had the feeling the baby definitely was going to be today and the gap between my contractions had been getting shorter since 4 this morning. Alas, Danny did not know this so after a short kiss, he was walking out the door.

Keeping to my word, I phone up Amy - who arrived within minutes - before calling my mother. Amy and I talked about nothing in particular because we were watching TV to keep my mind off things. 40 minutes after calling my mother, the doorbell rang and Amy rushed up to answer it. The sound of voices echoed around the house and after a few more minutes of impatient waiting, my mum and my dad walked into the room.

Both of them hugged me and my mother sat down next to me and held my hand. "Sweetie how are you holding up?" She asked.

"Mum it's going to be today I know it." I whispered, scared.

"Shh! Honey it will be just fine I know you can do it. Just tell me every time a contraction comes and we will measure how far apart they are." She smiled warmly, her eyes full of concern and love.

"Lalalala!" My dad shouted out at the mention of 'contraction'. He had always been very cautious around matters such as this. He didn't even enjoy it when I rushed to him to show him my wobbly teeth when I was younger.

My mum, Amy and I laughed at his childishness before moving the conversation on.

"So where's Danny?" My mother questioned and looked around as if searching for him.

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