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Hey guys! So I hope you enjoyed the previous chapter.

Who has the new The Script CD #3? I DO!!! I love all of the songs but 6 degrees of separation and if you could see me now are my favourites.


"Oh hell no!" I said looking at the glossy black motorbike standing at the end of my drive. "There is now way on this earth that you will get me on that thing." I said.

"Come on its not that dangerous!" Danny pleaded.


"Come on"

"No." I said. As you can tell, I am very stubborn. "And of course it is dangerous! I am not going on a motorbike."

"Live a little Alex." He pleaded.

"That is exactly why I don't want to go on a motorbike, so I can actually live?"

"Come on Ally! Where I'd that girl who stood up to me this morning? Where is that girl who swore at a teacher?" He asked his eyes bright with mischief.

This changed me though. The use of my nickname had my heart doing back flips and he was so hot it was hard to say no to him. Also, where had that girl gone? One look at his face and I knew that I wanted to impress him. I snatched the helmet off him and waited for him to get on. I climbed on behind him.

Shoot! I was actually just about to ride on a motorbike, with a boy. And not just any boy-

"Ok, so hold onto my waist like this," He said, his voice muffled a bit and he grabbed my hands and wrapped them around his waist. I thought I was gonna die of a heart attack. I was brought from my reverie by the loud roar and the motorbike was brought to life. It slowly moved into motion, picking up the pace until it literally felt like I was gonna fall off. How fast can these things go?

'I am gonna die'

'I am gonna die'

'I am gonna die'

I repeated to myself. But a little part of me loved it because I was actually riding on Danny O'Donoghue's motorbike with my arms wrapped around him. Any girl would be jealous but still...

'I.AM.GONNA.DIE!' My brain screamed.

Mum, Dad I love you. I know you told me to never ride motorbikes and you were right okay! I was just trying t-

"Ermmmmm... Alex? You can let go now..." A silky voice cut through my last words. Opening my eyes, I saw that we were at Pizza Hut. And I was still holding tightly to Danny...

Even though we weren't moving...

"Oh shoot!" I exclaimed before jumping off the bike. I took the helmet off and started muttering to myself as my cheeks began to warm from embarrassment.

"Aren't you a daredevil." Danny commented dryly. "Why 'oh shoot!' Anyway?"

"Because......... I am here........with you..............motorbike.............arms.........." I trailed off making random hand gestures. Danny looked at me amused, a stupid smirk on his face that I wanted to just punch off for embarrassing me.

WOAH! Violence. Seriously this boy will get me into some SERIOUS trouble.

"I'm hungry, hurry up!" Danny complained and I rushed over to him and we walked into the restaurant.


I dived into my pizza hungrily. After finishing one slice, I picked up my glass and drank some of the coke.

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