The Note

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Turns out the new kid is in my class. She just moved into the area but she hadn't really talked to anybody so I am assuming she is quite shy. She has dark brown hair but the tips of her are dyed red. Her right ear has 7 earrings but her left only has one piercing. She is very pretty an her pale skin contrasts to her dark eye shadow. I made my way over to her an sat down next to her.

"Hi I'm Alex, but you can call me Ally." I introduced myself.

"I'm Amy" She looked extremely happy someone had spoken to her.

"Would you like me to show you around?"

"That would be good. Big school and I have no map!" She explained. "Could you tell me about some people in this class?"

"Sure. Those two, are Leah and Marshall: my two best friends. That is 'queen slut' and all her little minions: Ingrid, Evie, Libby and Francesca. That is the rugby team: Ed, Tom, James, Ted, Reegan, Blake, Ross, Will and Joe. Those are the nerds: Chloe, Stephanie, Amie, Sebastian and Max. And those two are the resident bad boys: Danny O'Donoghue and Mark Sheehan." I talked her through, pointing at the groups as I went.

"Ok, I think I got that!" Amy beamed but her tone turned to a hushed whisper. "Mark is pretty hot."

"Yep. They both are but motorbikes are dangerous don't ever get on one!" I warned loud enough for Danny to hear and look up. He gave me a mischievous grin before turning back to Mark.

Amy gasped from beside me. "Did Marshall just smile at you?" I grinned at her mistake.

"Danny." I corrected.

"Okay okay, it is my first day though." She smirked. "Can I have your number? We could arrange to go shopping or whatever sometime. Leah could come too."

"Yeah. But I think Marshall is the one who will want to go shopping." We both giggled and exchanged numbers. The teacher let me and Amy go early so I could show her the way to her first class and head back to mine before the bell.

As I walked past Danny, he slipped a bit of paper in my blazer pocket. But by the time I noticed, I was in a busy corridor and couldn't see him. I dropped Amy off at Physics and made my way to Spanish where Marshall was waiting and he looked like he wanted to interrogate me.

"Soooo... What is she like? Is she nice? Does she have a crush on anybody? Will we have a new shopping buddy?" He asked excitedly.

"Calm down Marshall! She is very nice yes, she is funny and is a bit shy at first. She likes Mark a little tiny bit and yes. We exchanged numbers so we could arrange to meet up." At the end, I took a deep breath.

"Get in!" He fist pumped the air.

"You act SO gay Marshall" I teased.

"uh uh uh. I am not gay, I have a girlfriend remember." He tutted.

"Yes, how could I forget- you talk about her all the time." I groaned. Her name was Lily but she went to a different school.

Lunch came around so quickly and I hadn't Had a chance to read the note that Danny had given me. I stuffed my hand in my pocket and came out with a slightly crumple piece of white paper.

'Meet me in the foyer at 1pm?-D'

"hey guys!" Marshall said from next to me. Glancing up, I saw that Amy and Leah had sat down.

"Hey Ally! This school is so much fun, all the teachers are so gullible." Amy said bouncing slightly.

"We locked Miss Herkin in the cupboard. We told her there was a rat and we skipped for the rest of the English lesson." Leah explained.

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