Don't call me babes. Please just don't

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Danny's POV After breakfast, Ally and I went into the living room to watch a film. The choice of films in Ally's house was amazing, she had everygenre you could ever want and they were all put in alphabetical order. Her living room was amazing too, with three red walls and one covered in a red and white floral wallpaper. There were shelves on one of the red walls which held a red vase filled with flowers and a few books the wall next to it had a fireplace. A glass coffee table lay in the middle of the room with a few coasters dotted around on it and three TV remotes. An armchair and a sofa surrounded the table and I sat on the sofa, pulling Ally down next to me.

"What film do you want to watch?" She asked and looked up at me, her head resting on my lap. "You can choose. There are more in the other living room."

I nodded and swiftly got up and left to choose a film. How did she have so many?! I opened the door and strolled into a calm, light blue room with just one sofa with blue cushions, a large oak book shelf and a TV. The room had white curtains an a massive window, letting in a lot of light. After scouring the bookshelf for films to no avail I saw, lying under the TV in a dishevelled pile, was the entire box set of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and I knew we had to watch it. Picking up the white box, I carried it back to the larger living room where Ally was waiting. She laughed when she saw it but eagerly grabbed it and put in the first disc from series one.

"Good choice," Ally praised and ruffled my hair slightly before putting her head back in my lap as we began to watch the show.  About half way through our 5th episode, my phone rang so I excused myself and went to the kitchen to take the call. I glanced at the caller ID and saw it was Mark, "How's it going?"

"Dan where are you?" Mark sounded pissed and I was very confused before I remembered that we had to go to the studio today to write songs for our new album. "I understand that you may have slept in a little, made breakfast for your-ah-um- your-Ally what is she? Is she your girlfriend or what?"

"Yeah she is" I replied simply with a smile on my face.

"Aw! Congrats mate! Anyway. You wanted to spend time with Ally but seriously? 2 hours late? This is a new low." Mark scolded but I knew he wasn't too angry at me he was too pleased that Ally and I are together. "Now get your ass over here right now. Me and Glen are waiting"

"You perv!" I shouted before he hung up. I slowly made my way to the living room where Ally was sat laughing hysterically at something that happened in the episode.

"Babes?" I said and she looked up, glaring at me. "Woah! Sorry I'm sorry! Ally?"

"Don't call me babes. Please just don't" She pleaded and shivered slightly. Ally always hated being called babes, it freaked her out. But I never really understood why, she was just funny like that.

"Yes Danny?"

"I have to go to the studios today." I didn't want to leave her but I would be letting the band down if I didn't go. Ally just shrugged and waved slightly before looking back at the screen. "Well I feel loved," I left the room slowly and before I knew it Ally jumped on my back and began kissing my cheek. I held her up and laughed slightly as she clutched onto me as we moved up the stairs into her bedroom. I set her down and began to tickle her. Ally squealed and tried to push me away but she was giggling too much so her attempts were of no use.

"Sto-stop-p-p! Sto-p D-an! Daniel stop! I love you really!" At this I stopped completely and looked at her, overwhelmed at what she just said. Ally sat up and straightened her top. "I love you Danny," she whispered and I kissed her softly on the lips.

"I love you too Ally," I replied and I held her hand in mine.

"DANIEL!" A loud voice called from downstairs, ruining our special moment. Ally laughed and we both walked towards the door together. We stumbled back though as it was thrown open and Mark was stood there.

"Hey Ally! I have to borrow Dan now, no time to chat," he called before grabbing my arm an dragging me out the door. Once we were at the studio, Mark sat me down and gave me a guitar.

"Why were you so late Danny?" Glen asked as he came through the door with three teas in hand. "Well, me and Ally were having a relaxing morning and we said 'I love you to each other'. But then someone," I stressed the last word and shot an icy look at Mark who put his hands up in surrender. "Intruded out privacy and pulled me away." Mark now looked at me confused.

"Wait, I thought you had already said 'I love you' to one another?" "Yeah but only when we were 18. And we only just got together so it's quite a big step." I looked to Glen for guidance but he shook his head, crossed his arms and went to stand next to Mark.

"Dan, you do know that when you get back together with someone you start from where you left off?" Glen asked, raising his eyebrow.

"You do?" I stuttered, confused. "Not when you have been apart for 7 years!"

"Dan, that's 7 years of catching up to do." Glen explained and grinned as he and Mark high-fived. Jeez! Never knew that.


Ally's POV

The soft orange light illuminated the pavement as me and Amy walked to the studios to get The Script before we all went out for a meal. Glen had told us he was bringing someone he had met so Amy and I were pretty excited to have another girl around the place. "So when do you think you are going to have the wedding?" I asked Amy.

"Next July probably because it will be sunny and I've always wanted an out doors wedding." She sighed happily as we walked down the street, our arms linked. "We have already booked the caterer and the band. It can't be that hard to plan a wedding?" We giggled as she nudged me.

"Have you chosen a dress yet?"

"No! I have been waiting for my maid of honour to be free so we can go together." Amy answered.

"Who is it?" I was confuse and a little sad that she hadn't asked me.

"You you idiot!" Amy laughed and hugged me. "Will you be my maid of honour?"

"Of course I will!" We hugged again and started walking again until we reached the studios. The receptionist recognised buzzed us through and we walked down the corridor to studio 3. As soon as we walked in, we saw all the boys sat around Danny's laptop.

"Do you think it's too soon?" Dan asked Mark and Glen and I shared and inquisitive look with Amy.

"No. If you really feel like you want to, you can't go wrong." Glen told him and Mark agreed, patting Dan on his back.

"Do you think that one is the nicest?" Danny pointed to something on the screen.

"Wait no! That one suits her best!" Dan changed his mind.

"She'll love it!" Glen told him and they high-five each other. What were they on about?!

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