Bloody Booking Fees!

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Ally's POV

I had to see Hugh!

It was the morning after the concert and I felt so guilty, it was unbearable. I stepped out of the coffee shop, my hair blowing behind me in the sharp breeze. My hands clutched onto the steaming cup of coffee I just bought at Pret A Manger.

I walked into Hugh's office building and was greeted by Freya, the ginger receptionist who I had become friends with on my trips to Hugh's work.

"Hey Ally!" She said.

"Hey Freya!" I smiled.

"Have you heard the news.....?" 

This was how every conversation with Freya began. She was a massive gossip especially when it came to celebrities.  

"Danny O'Donoghue left a gig last night because his ex girlfriend was there. He was right in the middle of Walk Away when he stopped singing, dropped the mic and took off. I tell you now, that girl doesn't know how many people would kill to be in her place. If I had Danny O'Donoghue, I would never let him go! I wonder who she is....." Freya rambled on but went off to day dream mode towards the end so I stopped listening.

My heart was beating rapidly in my chest and I could hear the blood pumping through my veins. I remembered where I was and shook of the thought of Danny.

I nodded to Freya who was now reading a Vogue magazine before heading up the marble stairs to Hugh's office. I walked along the dimly lit corridor, I passed some of Hugh's colleagues who I had met at various parties. I carried on walking, smiling at people I recognised until I saw Hugh's office door. It was a dark wood and had a gold coloured name plate. As I neared the door, I heard noises, that confused me because usually Hughs office was empty at this time, but it was probably just talking. The noise was heard again but it was muffled by the door.

  My eyes widened and I stormed in and saw something that I really didn't want to see. 

"It's not what it looks like!" He exclaimed. I found this excuse pathetic and got enraged by the fact he thought I would buy it.

"Oh is it not? Are you not sleeping with another woman?!" I screamed.

"Ally look, I'm so sorry it's just-"

"It's just what Hugh? It was just this one time? She didn't mean anything?!" I shouted before lowering my tone and in spoke in an icy voice. "We're through."

I left the office, past Freya's shrieks of sympathy. I couldn't cry because it was quite ironic actually. I kissed Danny and went to apologise where I found my fiancé cheating on me.

I laughed coldly as I stepped into my house. My vision began to blur as the first tears fell. The next thing I knew I was sobbing and my whole body was shaking. I grabbed a box of tissues and felt my heart slowly being cut into tiny pieces.

After a good hour of crying, I got up and went to the living room. I logged onto my laptop and went on Internet Explorer, typing in: The Script tickets.

Results came up immediately for people selling their tickets for shows. There were tickets for two days time, tomorrow and tonight! I clicked on tonight's ticket and saw it was €103.96 and that was without the €5.50 on top. Bloody booking fees!

I grabbed Hugh's credit card and paid for my ticket. I also went online and ordered myself a dress and a pair of shoes. This brought my total up to €470 so I thought I had spent enough of his money. It was only Karma after all ! I thought and smiled slyly.

All I had to do was wait for the concert......

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