s.c : one

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Kim Seungmin

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Kim Seungmin. An overprotective closed off person. He keeps a small group of friends and only talks to others when it comes to school. There isn't much interesting about him besides the fact that he stands up for his friends with the rudest demeanor possible. Oh and he's also a little.

Age regression isn't something he's very proud of but there was no one to judge him so what was the point in dwelling about it? It wasn't too much of a bother to him since he only needed to regress during times where he felt most stressed or uncomfortable which wasn't very often since, like said before, he was very closed off. His friends were very accepting of it but he felt embarrassed in front others when he allowed himself to slip so he preferred to do it in private.

But today was a bad day.

He woke up late, his first period teacher reminding him about the homework from the night before that he didn't do. The next class he was told about a project due in the next few days that he had no idea about since he missed the last class because of a doctor's appointment. The class after that, another assignment he had no idea about for the same reason. His fourth period teacher had him go to the office to pick up papers she printed since 'you can definitely catch up because you're the best student'. He was missing bits and pieces he had to solve by himself which he hoped he was capable of like his teacher said.

Now it was lunch. He normally sat outside with his friends but both Minho and Felix received detention for flinging papers at each other with sporks during class. The only other friend he had was Chan but he was being a very good boy and went to tutor the freshman. Seungmin hated the fact that he was so nice sometimes.

And suddenly the stress built up so he was currently sitting on the bathroom floor, waiting for lunch to be over in the peace and quiet so he wouldn't have the urge to slip. Suddenly the door of the bathroom creaked open so he quickly scurried to the nearest stall and locked it.

"Trying to hide your big forehead" a voice spoke to someone else. Multiple people had entered, Seungmin peeking through the crack of the stall. The shorter of the three hooked their finger around the hairband the other was adjusting, pulling it back and snapping it back into place with a loud slapping sound. "I'd rather have a big forehead than be two feet tall" the tallest immediately reacted by stomping on the other's foot. The other person watching burst into laughter at the two and Seungmin couldn't help but let out a stifled laugh.

All heads turned in his direction. They couldn't see him though. "Eavesdropping? What are you waiting to find in the boy's bathroom?" All three laughed at the joke that Seungmin didn't find very funny. He glared at the tallest who had said it. He had almost shoulder length black hair and decent style.

Seungmin wasn't about to think much of it until he heard footsteps approaching the stall he was in. He quietly took a few steps back until the back of his knees hit the toilet. There was nowhere to go and his history with bullies wasn't exactly the best. It was easy for him to tell them off when it wasn't directed towards him.

"Come on Changbin don't be a dick" a voice he hadn't heard yet spoke. He assumed it was the boy who laughed. "Shut up Jeongin and stop defending people you don't know" the one labeled as Changbin stopped in front of the door, two pairs of feet on either side of him.

The only sound that echoed through the bathroom was an odd crunching sound of a wrapper and the heavy breathing of Seungmin who was ready to break down any moment or possibly regress.

All of a sudden there was silence and then loud popping sounds, making Seungmin jump. He hopped on his feet as the popping and crackling continued. Laughter erupted from the other side of the door but only one person seemed to be laughing.

Seungmin looked at the ground and saw pieces of what looked to be paper and gunpowder. They were poppers. A form of fireworks that hardly created any smoke and the only entertaining part being the loud noises they made. In other words, they were prohibited on campus.

The scare made him drop his backpack. He felt weight lift off his shoulders when the contents of his backpack poured out but the door opened and closed, indicating they left. He opened the stall to pick up his notebooks and pencils that rolled around the floor.

A certain purple item caught his eye. It was his sippy cup he carried with him in case of an emergency. It rolled around the floor in no general direction, spinning until it came to a stop. Seungmin reached out to grab it and hide it away again but froze when a hand reached it before him. He slowly trailed his eyes from the person's shoes up to their face. The black haired boy that was with his friends. He hadn't left.

It would have been smarter if Seungmin checked before leaving the stall because only Jeongin and Changbin exited. The long haired boy stayed behind to fix his hair and hairband that his friend messed up.

"I'm not sure why but you dropped this" he held his hand out to Seungmin who sat with his mouth agape. When he didn't respond he took his backpack from his hands and dropped it inside. "Well I'm Hyunjin and I think I'm also gonna go. See you around I guess" the boy now known as Hyunjin awkwardly laughed before tearing his gaze away from Seungmin, leaving the bathroom.

"Shit" Seungmin whispered while zipping his backpack and making his way to his next class. "Now I have to make sure I never see him again."

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