s.c : eighteen

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"So I'm guessing that prince of yours didn't tell you he had plans today" Jeongin smiled smugly

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"So I'm guessing that prince of yours didn't tell you he had plans today" Jeongin smiled smugly. The action didn't cross Seungmin's mind as he opened the fridge and grabbed a coffee that Chan said he'd pay for. He had no idea Jeongin and Chan knew each other.

After grabbing his coffee he shook his head gently and pulled his sleeves over his hands out of habit to keep the cold of the glass away. Jeongin was giving him an uncomfortable feeling so the cute gesture was also partly out of anxiety. It was like he was suffocating in the lack of personal space that the younger provided. "He didn't but it doesn't matter that much because he loves me and I trust him."

Seungmin closed the fridge and scanned the aisles of the convenience store for Chan. When he spotted the older he waddled over as quickly as his short legs could take him and silently pleaded to take him home.

After Chan paid like he said he would he began taking the route back to Seungmin's house. Every few minutes he'd glance at the rear view mirror only to see the boy timidly sipping his coffee. It was obvious something was bothering him and Chan knew it was not because of himself but rather the younger boy sitting in the passenger seat beside him.

"Tell Minho I said hi" Chan waved as Seungmin exited the car. He bowed, thanking him for the ride and coffee before shutting the door.

"Your attempt at flirting is scaring him. Remember that he's dating your friend and you literally liked Hyunjin like two days ago. You seem to fall for anyone you meet" Chan averted his gaze to the road ahead of him once he stole a glance at Jeongin who seemed unfazed by his statement. "False. I've never liked you."

Even though Chan knew that was most likely a lie, or maybe hoped, he brushed off the conversation and left it at that. There was no point in arguing with the fox boy because he was bound to talk nonstop about a boy he saw at the park the next day. It was a routine for Chan, to listen to Jeongin talk about his small crushes.

Meanwhile Seungmin went inside his comforting apartment. He ignored the two figures sitting on the couch and rushed to his room.

Somehow everything felt better alone. Being able to do things free of worry is always a relief. The idea of never being alone was annoying in a way. Even Hyunjin's obsessive habits got annoying.

But of course an over thinker like Seungmin only has in the moment thoughts because he knew damn well Hyunjin could never be annoying. If anything, he wished he could show more affection (if that were even possible).

And so without any bothersome freshman bugging him, he slid the plate with a slice of strawberry shortcake in the center of it out of the mini fridge he conveniently had in his room. The sickeningly sweet smell made him smile. Even if the slightest amount of sugar made him bloated as much as soda does, he didn't care because looking a little chunky didn't bother him. Not when he was in his safe place.

With only greed in mind and maybe the slightest bit of self appreciation, anything but jealousy, he scooped a piece into his mouth and continued scooping until it was all gone. The strawberries dipped in sugar did make him feel like he was slightly overdoing it but nonetheless ate them like it was the last time he ever would.

But somehow, strangely enough, his (what seemed like) yearly dose of sugar made him think of Hyunjin. Not in the cheesy sense that he's sweet but the fact that he read of the strawberry being a sign of fertility. Even if he felt dirty thinking about it, he couldn't help but remember what he said about having a baby. His bloated stomach only fueled the burning fire of desire that made his cheeks flush at the same time.

It was something he hoped to take to the grave and never tell his boyfriend about. The idea was embarrassing to say the least. They were only in high school after all and Seungmin believes Hyunjin could find a pretty girl to have pretty babies with.

Insecurities. Oh how annoying.

"Seungmin? You okay? You didn't say hi or tell me about your day when you came in so I got worried" the boy being spoken to felt his heart warm at his friend's words. Always there at the right times and never fails to make him smile. "Yeah! Sorry I just got hungry" he awkwardly held the plate between himself and Minho to further emphasize or prove his explanation after opening the door to his room. Minho just smiled and ruffled his hair before moving aside to let him pass and take the dish to the sink.

He noticed the puffiness of Seungmin's cheeks but decided not to mention it when he saw a smudge of frosting on the plate. He was treating himself. Something he doesn't do very often.

"My day was okay. I met Jeongin... and Hyunjin was busy today so Chan brought me home. Since I stayed over there last night my face was bare again. I hate it so much when Hyunjin sees me with no makeup! He always points it out" Seungmin smiled slightly at the thought. Hyunjin would constantly say that Seungmin chose to look pretty for him whenever he was barefaced. More often than not he would pepper his face with kisses if it were the early morning and they've just woken up.

Seungmin always remembers the happy moments so vividly.

"He's the only one you should be trying to impress so if he's okay when you don't wear makeup then maybe you don't always have to."

"Yes you don't always have to hide your pretty face" Seungmin jumped at the familiar voice he was already missing. "Hey princess" and suddenly he regretted eating that stupid slice of cake because his thoughts hadn't yet gone away... and neither did his chubby stomach.


if you notice strange things that simply don't seem to make sense where they take place in the story, just know I'm using a writing tool that starts with an F :)

thank you so much for 3k and all of your unconditional support <3

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