s.c : nineteen

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Seungmin's cheeks flushed an impossible deeper shade of red as he stared back at his reflection and listened to Hyunjin on the other side of the bathroom door

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Seungmin's cheeks flushed an impossible deeper shade of red as he stared back at his reflection and listened to Hyunjin on the other side of the bathroom door. "Come on you baby! Do you really think I would judge you? I like your chunky belly and squishy cheeks" the bottom of Seungmin's gifted strawberry shirt rose as he tried to cover his cheeks only for his hands to shoot back down and cover his stomach again. "Stop saying such embarrassing things!"

"I've seen you nak-" as those words slowly came out of Hyunjin's mouth with absolutely no mercy for his boyfriend, Seungmin opened the door and put a hand over the lips that loved to both embarrass and kiss him. "Do not finish that sentence" his hand fell when he felt a smirk against his palm and arms around his waist that had a small amount of skin peeking between the denim of his jeans and the frill of his shirt. Of course he was fooled.

Hyunjin laughed at Seungmin's cuteness. Since the boy couldn't escape the embrace he hugged back and hid his face in the crook of his neck. "I'm not so scary, am I?"

Instead of answering he wriggled out of Hyunjin's grasp and to the dresser, grabbing the familiar lip gloss and gently applying it to his lips. He surprisingly felt pleased with his looks for once. Oh how Hyunjin wished his boyfriend saw what he sees every day.

"Then I guess this means we're ready" Seungmin giggled when he felt kisses to the side of his face between every word.

As the duo made their way out of the guest room they had become so accustomed to and into the backyard where their friends waited for their company it almost felt like they were getting married. It was as if they were walking down the aisle and the chairs that stood in a wide circle were there for when they had their dance as newlyweds. And Seungmin loved the idea of dancing with Hyunjin's grandma in place of his parents that likely wouldn't have attended because of the way the couple met. The only adult support he felt he needed.

"Hey Seungmin" his daze was broken by the handsome face of Chan and his hand waving in their general direction. He waved back, in the process unintentionally leaning into Hyunjin's side.

"Why are they perfect for each other" Jeongin (who sat beside Chan) slumped in his seat with a huff. He tugged the sleeve of Chan's shirt and forced him to sit back down. "And no, I don't want an answer. That was rhetorical" the older chuckled, gently ruffling Jeongin's hair. The hope he once had was wearing off because Seungmin wasn't single which gave Chan the slightest bit of satisfaction.

Now that the group, specifically Changbin, Jeongin, Seungmin, Minho, and Chan, properly introduced themselves to each other they could all settle down comfortably.

Unfortunately Seungmin was the only one being forced by Hyunjin to slow dance. It would've been nice if it were like in his imagination, the only place he knew to dance, but sadly it was reality. A place he knew nothing about dance.

Chan and Minho stayed mostly silent, one typing away on his phone and thinking of what to say next to his potential lover. On the other hand Changbin sat in a corner by himself because he wasn't feeling social since there were new acquaintances he wasn't aware of. It wasn't that he disliked them, he was just a reserved person. And Jeongin obnoxiously talked about his fake feelings to Chan, in the process trying to get all the attention he could from the older who didn't seem to care.

It felt unreal. Seungmin wasn't sure how they all got there. When Hyunjin surprised him it was with the strawberry shirt he was wearing. He couldn't hear much from the lovey dovey ramble spewing from Hyunjin's mouth, only really hearing 'I was going to get cherries but he said strawberries suited you more.'

And at times like this was when Seungmin hated being a nice person. He knew exactly who Hyunjin was talking about but he couldn't bring himself to tell the love stricken boy anything about the small crush a person he trusted had on him. He didn't want to hurt Jeongin or Hyunjin. So he kept quiet and simply hoped for the best.

Somehow he made it this far with his age regression and all so he didn't want to ruin everything he had. No one disliked him like he always thought they would. In his mind he always categorized people in groups as heartless yet here he was not knowing how to handle so much love.

Maybe things could go wrong but the way he got where he is seems more exciting than the end. He didn't even want to think of when he's old. For at least a few minutes he was going to live in the moment. With his boyfriend and his friends happily cheering him on.


short-ish but another update in a few seconds

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