s.c : four

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 "Hyungie!" Seungmin jumped at Hyunjin to hug him

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"Hyungie!" Seungmin jumped at Hyunjin to hug him. He was surprised with the sudden contact but managed to grab the other's legs so he wouldn't fall to the ground.

It took a lot of convincing but Minho managed to get Seungmin to regress for Hyunjin.

The youngest hugged Hyunjin like a koala until Minho forced him off. This was only day one so too much skinship had a definite no from Minho although he would eventually have to leave them alone together and much could happen in that amount of time. To avoid the ongoing thoughts he grabbed Seungmin's hand and gestured for Hyunjin to follow him. "Minnie, show Hyunjin where all your stuff is."

Seungmin immediately let go of his hand and grabbed Hyunjin's instead. Minho was about to protest but stopped when Seungmin was already leading Hyunjin to his closet. He opened multiple drawers and explained which articles of clothing were his favorite first, making it very clear that pajamas were always the best. Next he opened a toy chest that had blocks, stuffies, coloring supplies, and simple board games. The stuffies and coloring were his favorite. The last thing he showed him was a high shelf that had bottles, pacifiers, and his favorite blanket.

After the tour Seungmin got side tracked and sat in front of the tv to watch cartoons. Meanwhile, Minho was teaching Hyunjin what to do and when. "When he's hungry for snacks he likes to eat really sweet cereals. You can give him some but not too much. When he's thirsty he usually wants milk in a bottle but if he asks for juice put it in a sippy cup. No matter what he says do not put the milk in the sippy cups. He did it yesterday and they're really a pain to clean. Also make sure to talk to him a lot. Just ask him random questions and he'll be happy. If he wants to play, play with him. He likes his pacifiers a lot so make sure he has one but don't let him have it the entire time. If you do he'll stop talking and just whimper a lot instead" Hyunjin listened intently and hoped he'd be able to remember everything.

"If you think you got all that you can go ahead and handle him" Minho patted his shoulder and walked off into his room. Hyunjin slowly made his way back to Seungmin's room. A minute ago it looked almost empty but now there were toys scattered all over the ground, abandoned because Seungmin was too focused on the tv.

The theme song to a show Hyunjin didn't recognize began to play. Seungmin obviously did know it because he bounced up and down in his seated position. "So cute" Hyunjin whispered quietly while taking out his phone and pressing record. Seungmin continued to jump, turning once the song ended with a big smile on his face. "What are you dowing?" He waddled on his knees toward the older and pointed to the camera. Hyunjin laughed, telling Seungmin to say hi. Instead of doing as told he kissed the camera. "I wuv you" with those three words said he turned back to focus on his show.

"Hi vlog! Today is my first day of being Seungmin's care taker" Hyunjin made the camera face him and acted as if he was some sort of YouTuber. As soon as he heard his name Seungmin sat next to Hyunjin and leaned on him to see them both on the phone screen. The taller put an arm around him so he could be seen better. "Here is little baby Seungmin right here" he cooed when said boy hid his face behind his hands. "Minnie's camewa shy" he whispered loudly to Hyunjin who just laughed.

Day one was going well so far. Almost. Seungmin mostly wanted to watch cartoons so that's exactly what they did. At one point Hyunjin brought him Cheerios but for some reason Seungmin was upset so he threw them at him. The older wasn't warned about temper tantrums so he told Minho who made Seungmin pick them up himself. After that he forced him to apologize and made the two hug each other. Minho instantly regretted the hug though because Seungmin no longer wanted to let go and he couldn't get him to stop.

Currently, since Seungmin still clung to his side, Hyunjin was sitting on the bed with Seungmin leaning on him for support. The taller held a bottle up to Seungmin's lips so he could drink and every time he could feel when he sucked in like with the pacifier.

Slowly but surely Seungmin loosened his grip around Hyunjin. Hyunjin finally felt free until he noticed Seungmin leaning up to the bottle. He was trying to drink the milk faster. He continued to lean farther and farther so Hyunjin began to lean back. His lips refused to let go which left Hyunjin to lean until his back hit the mattress of the bed. "Minnie. Calm down or I'm taking it away" he yanked the bottle from the other's mouth. Seungmin pouted in response and sat normally so he was no longer near sitting on top of Hyunjin.

When the bottle was finally empty Seungmin froze for a minute. Hyunjin was confused until he noticed the glowing glint in his eye fade away. "Hey Hyunjin... do you think my behavior was okay?" Big Seungmin leaned towards Hyunjin with anticipation for his answer. "Yeah just don't throw cereal at me so often" Hyunjin laughed it his own joke while Seungmin just slapped his arm.

Now since Seungmin was at a normal state Hyunjin felt the need to look him up and down. He didn't want to do it while he was in little space because he felt like a pervert. Since it was big Seungmin it felt normal.

Hyunjin first noticed how skinny Seungmin really was even with a chubby face. He also smiled at the pajamas he wore for when he regressed. His pants were a navy blue with small avocados scattered everywhere. His shirt was white but the same avocado design was stitched in the center of his chest.

"Okay well I guess we're done. You can still stay but I won't be slipping anymore. Next time can we go to the park or something?" Seungmin looked down as he made the request. It was embarrassing. "Or something is correct!" Hyunjin remembered when Seungmin said that so he used it against him. He really did have 'or something' planned.


I don't like this chapter

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