s.c : seventeen

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Jeongin watched intently with a large tub of ice cream between his crossed legs

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Jeongin watched intently with a large tub of ice cream between his crossed legs. Sitting on the other side of him was Seungmin and a seemingly clingy Hyunjin. The long haired boy gently rubbed his nose against Seungmin's neck as a loving gesture but he seemed rather bothered by the action.

One of the things Seungmin hated most was when people analyzed him as if they could determine his future. The way Jeongin stared so coldly made him want to react as a trembling puppy but of course he wouldn't do that. Not when he'd probably see him more often because he's one of his boyfriend's closest friends.

"Why so tense?" Hyunjin spoke as he trailed his hand up to Seungmin's shoulder that visibly became more stiff than before. The way his words rolled off his tongue so smoothly made Seungmin want to slump his shoulders and tackle him in a hug. But again, he couldn't.

By now Jeongin had dropped his spoon in the closed container and set it aside. His gaze felt to be long gone because his attention was now glued to his phone screen.

The more Seungmin started to think, the more he reflected on the stare from just moments ago. Or so he thought because the stare in actuality was just a short glance. An over thinker is something he definitely was.

"Don't worry. You're okay" a kiss to his neck and arms wrapping around his torso gave him assurance that he was doing well with his first impression. How could he be so intimidated by a baby face like Jeongin's? Perhaps it was because he might've known Hyunjin better and longer, making him second best. Or maybe it was the fact whenever he drank soda his tummy and cheeks would get puffy from the carbon while Jeongin carelessly sipped his beverage with no second thoughts or issues.

A stupid disease like feeling. Jealousy.

No way was Kim Seungmin going to let his feelings ruin a beautiful friendship. He was well aware that Hyunjin would side with him if anything happened. Hyunjin did love the boy after all. Even if he loved his friends, his love for Seungmin was romantic. He didn't want to lose his practically perfect partner.

"I'll be back. I'm going to take this to the kitchen" Hyunjin stood up and grabbed the tub of ice cream, leaving Seungmin and Jeongin. "So" the youngest of the few propped his back against the wall. He shut off his phone and directed his attention to Seungmin who radiated anxiety. "I'm just curious, how did you end up with Hyunjin? We've been friends for years and you just suddenly appeared. He's not one to give in so easily."

Seungmin has never met that side of Hyunjin. Not once was he closed off, especially around him. In fact, he was the one who did the aimless chasing until they conveniently connected through Seungmin's small persona.

"Not sure. I- I don't mean to make it sound like I'm bragging but he was somehow already wrapped around my finger before we personally met. I'm relieved... grateful even, that it's him. I don't think anyone else could handle me and my.. tendencies as well as he does" Seungmin's words slowly simmered down to a whisper as he began to hear Hyunjin's footsteps nearing. Jeongin noted the way the boy's cheeks tinted when he talked about Hyunjin.

"I brought strawberries" Hyunjin took his spot beside Seungmin after Jeongin shook his head when he didn't want any. He picked off the leaves of one and held it up to Seungmin's mouth. "Open" he pecked his boyfriend's cheek when he complied and and slipped the fruit between his lips.

Strawberries. Strawberry. A good thing to remember him by. His cheeks resemble the same color but slightly transparent. Jeongin admired him. Their relationship too because Seungmin had it all. Oh how he felt special to encounter someone so perfect, even with quirks.

And so everything was okay after that. Jeongin complained about being single when the couple would do cute things, Seungmin began to talk more, and Hyunjin... well Hyunjin is always happy and well. They ate pizza while Hyunjin's grandma told more high school stories and watched a movie together which became twice as funny because grandma Hwang likes to criticize everyone and everything. The night was actually perfect.

But Seungmin hated hiding from people he knew he would grow to love. He hoped he'd be able to talk about it soon so at least if he were to slip accidentally or purposely they wouldn't think he's acting strange.

"Okay okay, you three should get to bed" they nodded to the old woman and resisted the urge to laugh.

Seungmin wasn't going to let his caving thoughts take away his happiness like they did his sanity. He was going to let himself finally have what he wanted. Just once he was going to ignore himself and get through the night without worrying how he might look doing so.


mental health is not too well right now,, sorry if my updates become inconsistent

short and not proof read so just tell me my mistakes

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