s.c : fifteen

2.6K 157 23

no good service!
also very suggestive dialogue in this!

Hyunjin always thought squeals of fangirls could count as the highest kind of squeal but was proven wrong when Seungmin's squeal obviously surpassed them.

Squeals always left Seungmin's mouth. Most times it was because of skinship and nerves. He never knowingly initiated anything which meant when something did happen, it was Hyunjin who caused it. Of all people he made the younger the most nervous he has ever been. Being in his presence even made him nervous. No matter the situation, he would always feel the same because he never could expect what Hyunjin would do next.

The boy acted as if the outcomes would be bad though they were far from that point. It felt like a game he wanted to play but didn't know the rules to. Every time he wanted to try something he told himself no. Seungmin just isn't the bold type. He hopes to ask some days but others, oh how he's glad he didn't.

Seungmin snapped his head up when he felt a tap to his thigh that seemed to be an attempt to grab his attention. Grabbing his attention was Hyunjin but the person standing in front of him was the older's grandma, a cup of tea held out in one of her hands. She looked to have been reaching out for quite a while because her hands slowly shook and the cup looked ready to spill over.

A mewl, something close to a squeal, escaped the boy's lips. "Sorry" he took the cup from the old woman's hands and gently sipped the hot liquid which managed to burn his tongue once or twice. He raised a brow of confusion when Hyunjin looked so focused on watching him wrap his fingers around the mug but decided to brush it off. "So do you think you'll come by again tomorrow?"

Lately the duo had been visiting Hyunjin's grandma very often. Instead of going to Seungmin's shared apartment or sneaking into Hyunjin's house they would just visit her and openly, still somewhat secretive, show affection. She never asked questions so everything was fine.

"Probably. Jeongin might come over too though. He said his mom invited a friend over and she's bringing her kid. Apparently he's not open to making new friends" Hyunjin ignored when Seungmin slapped his arm. Of course he didn't inform the other of Jeongin. Seungmin hadn't met any of his friends still so he would've liked a heads up.

"I haven't seen him in a while but that's okay since Seungmin has been coming around very often" said boy pulled a cheeky smile when she pinched his cheek. They had become very fond of each other the past week. A nice change since they were most like each other than Hyunjin and could even talk about the long haired boy without him understanding. "I'm always happy to be here."

And he truly was. The woman always insisted that she didn't need help when she went shopping and she insisted he requested anything he wanted, ignoring what Hyunjin asked for. In the end Seungmin would pity his boyfriend(?), he wasn't sure, and just asked her for whatever Hyunjin wanted.

"Good, good. Now you two can go back to your room. I think you dropped something so I put it on the dresser if you needed it" they left with a thankful bow at their dismissal.

Seungmin listened to Hyunjin softly shut the door. He paused at the dresser and only winced when he felt Hyunjin's chin rest on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it baby" Seungmin felt his eyes tear up, Hyunjin enveloping his hand in his own, in the process tucking away the pacifier into the dark depths of the palm of his hand. "She's not going to question us. It's going to be okay" Seungmin nodded his head in hopes that he could somehow convince himself that Hyunjin's words were true.

Everything hurt. His heart stung. Someone was going to find out and it wasn't on his own terms, not to mention she's an adult and probably wouldn't understand the concept.

"We can tell her we're expecting a baby" Hyunjin jokingly rubbed Seungmin's stomach and actually managed to make him laugh. The tears were blinked away when his eyes squinted from the laughter. "You can have mine and I wouldn't mind getting you pregnant" Hyunjin's whispers lingered below Seungmin's ear and the younger tried to ignore the pooling tingles in his stomach.

He wasn't entirely against the idea.

"You're stupid" Seungmin pushed the black haired boy away but not before he managed to plant a teasing kiss to his neck. "You hesitated! That means it could happen!"

Again, the situation was brushed off and Seungmin went to lay on top of Hyunjin. Well more like he pushed him on the bed and followed after, trapping him down.

"What the fuck" Hyunjin gasped after almost choking. "Why'd you do that?" He looked at Seungmin who stared back innocently as if he didn't just press his Adam's apple. "It moves a lot when you talk" he traced around the bump with his finger and tried to keep his mind straight... but his strange thoughts were getting the best of him at moments like this.

"Don't forget your laundry Seungmin!" Hyunjin's grandma yelled from the other side of the door. Seungmin rolled onto his back and sighed. He wished he would've just let his tongue and mouth do whatever he imagined for at least a minute. "Thank you! I won't!"

He now slightly regretted spilling juice on himself and having to borrow Hyunjin's clothes. Slightly.

He got up from the bed and patted Hyunjin's hand. "I'm going to go home. Please clean up well before you go too" he avoided eye contact after sharing a sweet kiss with Hyunjin. "Bye princess!"

Seungmin rolled his eyes at the nickname but the blush on his face said otherwise. He felt himself getting hotter at the nickname and just the thought of Hyunjin in general. One thing lingered in his mind longer than the rest.

You can have mine and I wouldn't mind getting you pregnant.


thank you for 2k!

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