s.c : five

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short chapter with a sad theme so be aware

short chapter with a sad theme so be aware

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Dear Seungmin,

Thank you for completing me and giving me purpose. We've only known each other for less than a week but in that short amount of time you've already made me believe there is hope for the future.

I don't think I would've lasted a day longer. I think, before I met you of course, it was time for me to give up. In my mind it was time for me to rest. Now that I've met you there is no resting. I have to look after you.

I hope that weeks from now I'll still be holding a bottle while you drink from it. As time passes I hope you'll be there to remind me of the feeling when my finger is hooked around the pacifier you love so much.

My friends care about me but I think the value they held to me was weighing. I felt ready to collapse from the weight until I noticed you in the bathroom.

Do you ever wonder why I chased after you when I first found your sippy cup? I wonder too. I'm not sure why. Something was telling me that you were going to fix what was ruined and in a way you did. You fixed my happiness which was once my everything. Now my everything is you because I have to protect you as your care taker.

You own my heart in every way possible. I'm not sure if we're friends, something more, or just a little and their acquaintance care taker bur whatever we may be I hope it never ends.

There's not much left for me. If I lose you I think that's where this lifetime ends so promise me you'll stay. If you can't make the promise then at least I'll know this was all a temporary nothing.

Love, yours truly, Hwang Hyunjin

Hyunjin wiped at the tears forming in his eyes, shoving the letter into his desk drawer since he wasn't ready to give it to Seungmin. He wasn't sure if he'd ever be ready.

"Did you go grocery shopping like I asked?" Mrs. Hwang abruptly entered the room with her voice raised. She read the guilty look on her sons face. "Cancel any plans you have tomorrow and do what I asked you to. You have one job in this house and you can't even do that much" she rolled her eyes before leaving, slamming the door in the process.

As soon as she was gone Hyunjin's shoulders slumped. He allowed himself to lay down and stared at the ceiling. "That's one day with little Seungmin out the window"


As said before this book isn't supposed to have angst so this letter obviously has a purpose. This is also quick paced so it'll likely be in the next chapter or the one after. Don't worry! Hyunjin is going to be okay!

If you're having similar thoughts feel free to reach out to me. Your feelings and thoughts have value to me no matter who you are.

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