s.c : twenty

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Everything was okay except for Jeongin's sour mood. But eventually his feisty personality started to settle down as he listened for Chan's short responses that gradually increased as time ticked on and his boredom from judgement sky rocketed.

And soon enough the crush he had on Seungmin started to wear off until it was completely gone and actually growing for someone else . . . but that's another story for another day.

So Seungmin and Hyunjin were at peace again because Seungmin didn't have that anxious feeling which always seemed to spike when he felt a certain stare.

And everything felt perfect.

He never imagined his happy ending arriving so soon. Sure he still needed to ask his boyfriend about moving, the dog he wanted (of course to be friends with Kkami), the future he wanted for himself, the future he wanted with him specifically, and everything he didn't even know about yet ... but this was really the end.

It was the end of his life alone. The end of worrying when and where he could be himself. The end of eating takeout because Minho always talked about his significant other cooking for him. The end of wanting to be someone else.

This was their new beginning. Even if not everyone loved them they only needed to love each other because every night they used to cry alone would now be spent holding each other.

And Seungmin really did believe that he was a princess in his isolated tower of his consuming thoughts, saved by his one and only prince. The one he was meant to love from the beginning of their fairytale although they hadn't known it from the start.

"Is everything okay? You look distracted" Hyunjin leaned in to rub his nose against his boyfriend's. The cute gesture made butterflies burst into Seungmin's stomach. It was always the little things that created the fuzzies in his heart. "I am now, prince" a wide grin spread across both of their faces.

But Seungmin's smile faded away and became an adorable pout when he heard Hyunjin's next words. "Good to hear— my princess who likes his apple juice in a sippy cup."



this book IS NOT OVER!! phase two will just be a time skip and continue from wherever and whenever it takes place!! it IS still seungjin!!

there will still be little space so don't worry!! the characters will just be slightly older and the gif will be different :]

thank you for 4k too!!

sippy cup; seungjinWhere stories live. Discover now