s.c : twenty one

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"You should cut your hair a bit" Hyunjin happily smiled and reached out to touch his boyfriend's hair, only missing because Seungmin slid from his spot on the edge of the trunk to the ground

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"You should cut your hair a bit" Hyunjin happily smiled and reached out to touch his boyfriend's hair, only missing because Seungmin slid from his spot on the edge of the trunk to the ground. "Take me hwome now!"

Although he was avoiding Hyunjin's touch he made grabby hands so he could be picked up. It became a daily routine for Seungmin to regress right after school on their drive home and then for Hyunjin to carry him back to their shared apartment.

The only recent problem was temper tantrums. Minnie had gotten a bit too comfortable. So much that he felt the need to throw things and bite Hyunjin's fingers when he was upset. It was a relief that they were alone at these times but the temper outbursts became so hard at times that Hyunjin eventually considered just crying about it.

Withholding so much love for a person hurts. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt his baby. Hell, he even felt bad when Seungmin apologized for his actions the next day.

"Hold this for me then. I got you a surprise so if you behave you can have it when we get inside" Seungmin nodded and grabbed the bag being held out to him. It was the bag with extra toys, bottles, pacifiers, and a comfort blanket that remained in Hyunjin's car while they went to school. If anything happened to Seungmin he swore to himself that he would be prepared.

As the couple made their way into their apartment the younger of the two was happy to receive kisses on the bare skin Hyunjin had access to. The baby was being rewarded with the love he was longing for while being away from his favorite person.

"Ice cream cake!" Seungmin clapped his hands, eyes glowing at the beautifully decorated dessert. After moving in together Hyunjin insisted on buying sweets often. He always claimed to love Seungmin's stomach. Every night when Seungmin was back to his normal self he'd pat, kiss, and talk to his stomach. Sure it was weird but Hyunjin's gestures always made him happy. How could they not? He was a heartthrob in his own way.

"Open" the spoon in Hyunjin's hand was soon snatched away by the greedy mouth gaping for the cake. "You want to change n-" Hyunjin's words were cut off by Seungmin shoving a spoonful of cake in his mouth. In the process he jumped on top of him for a more successful attack.

But Hyunjin was shocked to see that Seungmin didn't seem to be in little space anymore.

"Missed me that much?" Hyunjin being the tease he is smudged icing on the tip of his boyfriend's nose. Though his taunting expression became one of someone who's flustered when Seungmin rubbed his nose against his neck, not only spreading the substance but also smelling him.

Not only was the action something Seungmin wouldn't normally do but Hyunjin was sure he could smell perfume coming from him. The sweet smell drifted to his nose the second they were in the car together. He only dismissed it because it was Minnie, not Seungmin.

"You smell so good. Do you think this smell suits me? I like your scent but I don't want the same one or anything similar" the two finally sat up again and Seungmin attended to the mess he made on Hyunjin's neck. It amazed Hyunjin how adorable his boyfriend could be.

"I love everything about you so that should answer your question. Just don't blame me if I start tasting you even more" Seungmin stopped cleaning to push Hyunjin until he fell on his back again. The two laughed at his attempt to be flirty. Dirty remarks always came as funny to them because their relationship just wasn't like that.

Seungmin was practically Hyunjin's universe. It almost seemed like there was never a time before they met. Somehow being together all the time made them complete.

But then comes another problem with their new arrangement.

Since Seungmin regressed more often Hyunjin had less time to spend with his friends. Most times they would hang out on the weekends but Seungmin always came along. Changbin and Jeongin didn't have a problem with him but Hyunjin's attention was always on him. Even Seungmin tried to tone down the amount they talked or looked at each other but in the end it just made things awkward.

There were a few quirks to their relationship but it was nothing they couldn't figure out. Somehow they were going to make it work, no matter how long it takes because they truly need each other.

"Could we go to the room now? I just want to be with you a bit longer before I go" Hyunjin quickly shot up to look at Seungmin. Of course he forgot. "Where are you going?"

There was nothing that could help his forgetfulness. Not even the fact that they discussed the topic just the night before.

"I have a job interview you potato" Seungmin got up from his spot and made his way to their shared bedroom. "There's no time actually so I guess I'll just get ready to go then" he opened the closet door, grabbing a button down shirt on a hanger. His only plans were to change his shirt since his jeans were decent and formal enough.

When the shirt was finally draped over his shoulders he forcedly turned to face Hyunjin who began buttoning it. "If they don't hire you then I'll pay you for kisses."

"I might be rich then!"


wow I hate this so much lol I haven't proof read it and it's probably really bad because I've wrote this in the span of four days with writers block 😺

thank you for almost 6k reads already !!

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