s.c : ten

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"Hyunjinnie" Seungmin whispered just over the said boy's lips

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"Hyunjinnie" Seungmin whispered just over the said boy's lips. They had fallen asleep in Seungmin's bed after one of the two endured long hours of studying. It was the middle of the night, well more like very early in the morning, and Seungmin had woken up just to regress.

The boy's little space mind missed Hyunjin. It was a relief to be with him and so close... but of course little Seungmin can't sit still for so long.

After managing to wriggle out of the other's grasp he made his way to his closet. The first thing he did was grab a pacifier. When he was done sticking it into his mouth he sat on the chair in front of his vanity. Earlier in the day he placed the red lip gloss on the piece of furniture. It was still there, now in front of him.

"Do you need help?" Seungmin jumped and looked up to the mirror. Standing behind him was Hyunjin with a sweet smile on his face. Seungmin blushed harshly but nonetheless nodded.

He was soon spun in the seat to face Hyunjin. His eyes instinctively shut when he felt the older applying the sticky substance to his lips after pulling out the pacifier.

Before Hyunjin could finish, Seungmin went back to his normal self. His blush grew when he felt Hyunjin's presence so close. It felt different now that he knew it was the Hyunjin he loved in a different way.

When he opened his eyes again he could tell that the older noticed he was back to himself. "So soon? At least I don't have to resist saying you look very pretty just like I thought you would."

Seungmin couldn't help his next actions. The loving look he received from the other made his heart swell with happiness. His mind gave him no other choice but to pull him into a sweet kiss. The second their lips connected he felt Hyunjin pull him closer by his waist, one hand eventually trailing up to thread through his hair. Maybe he could get used to kissing Hyunjin more often.

Once they pulled away they still remained close. Seungmin kept his forehead leant against Hyunjin's and both their eyes reamained closed.

The younger of the two squealed with embarrassment when he felt another peck on his lips.

"Your lip gloss is messed up" Seungmin opened his eyes to glare at Hyunjin who was licking the product off his own lips. Of course, Seungmin blushed at that and closed his eyes once again.

"Let's go back to bed. I'm tired" he wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's neck instead of keeping them on his shoulders. Seungmin was surprised when he was being picked up like he weighed nothing. Next thing he knew he was laying over the entire mattress. Hyunjin crawled on top of him, resting his head on Seungmin's stomach and his arms wrapped around his torso.

Seungmin giggled when he felt butterfly kisses over the exposed skin of his stomach. His shirt must've risen when he was put on the bed. "Stop it you pervert!"

Despite his own words, Seungmin ran his fingers through Hyunjin's hair to encourage him to continue.

Seungmin felt strange admitting it but he felt like a pregnant woman. A pregnant woman with her husband kissing their baby. The undying affection from a couple with a future. Was this supposed to tell him that what they felt for each other was love? Was the feeling some sort of confirmation?

The boy gasped when he felt Hyunjin's cold hands rubbing his sides up and down. The sight probably would've looked like things were going to escalate but the situation was far from that. It was a sweet moment, really. Innocent kisses, skinship, that's all it was.

"I like your hair" Seungmin whispered as if any spoken word could take away the mood of the moment. Fortunately it didn't and Hyunjin just hummed between the kisses as a response. Presumably lacking.

Seungmin lightly tugged Hyunjin's hair to grab his attention. His cheeks turned red again when Hyunjin didn't stop the gestures and just made eye contact with him. "Stop doing that! You treat me like I'm some sort of valuable artifact in a museum!"

Hyunjin laughed at that and finally pulled the boy's shirt down. His hands remained respectfully beside Seungmin's body and his head went back to using the boy's stomach as a makeshift pillow. "Go to sleep. You said you were tired."

"Well not after that! I feel shy now" Seungmin covered his face with his hands only to be pulled away by his wrists. The fuzzy feeling in his stomach grew when Hyunjin slowly placed kisses on his hand. It was almost as if the one genuine kiss they shared flipped a switch in both of their minds. Hyunjin became more affectionate, although he already used a couple of loving gestures before, and Seungmin became more nervous and shy. It made their relationship cuter though.

"Okay okay stop it! I'll go to sleep! No more kithes" Hyunjin almost UwUed at the word 'kithes'. He didn't protest and pulled the covers entirely over himself and up to Seungmin's neck so he wouldn't get cold.

The two sighed with content, not really caring about how wrong the position might've looked.

"My mom is going to kill me" Hyunjin laughed at the thought of getting home and his mom yelling at him. He didn't even bother calling about staying somewhere else. She especially would've had a problem if she knew it was Seungmin. Mrs. Hwang wasn't stupid. She knew there was something between them that wasn't all friendly.

"Minho is going to kill me. I locked the door but I'm pretty sure he'll know that you're sleeping in the same bed as me since he didn't see you leave" they both shrugged off the idea of consequences. Instead, Seungmin put his hands in Hyunjin's hair again to help lull him to sleep.

Eventually they both did and the two couldn't be happier.

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