Tates Romantic! - I

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A/N: I apologize for the late update, it has been busy and I had been waiting for the inspiration to strike and also lazy. 

Win's POV

I bought some cookies for Team to thank him for nursing me to health, last week. Team was kind and loving to me but we avoided the confession talk. I liked being in Team's company and didn't want to create any sort of tension between us, it was just fine the way it was. I headed to the college canteen looking for Team and I saw him sitting with Pharm and Manaow.

"It would be awkward to give him cookies around his friends",  I thought to myself and was about to keep the cookies in my bag when Pruk snatched them from my hand. 

"P', give that back", I retorted as he ran with my box of cookies "Ai Dean, help me get those back. Don't just stand there".

"Never seen you so agitated over food", Pruk replied

"Maybe it's a gift from someone", Dean added

"P' seriously, give it back", I kept running in rounds chasing Pruk

"Tell me who is it from and I will give them back", Pruk replied

We stopped running for a breather and Pruk examined the box "Choco mint cookies, huh? You don't dig that flavour, I guess your admirer didn't do their research on you", Pruk laughed and Dean chuckled

I saw my chance and grabbed the box from Pruk "None of your business"

A few minutes later, Team and his friends joined us. I shoved the box of cookies in my bag hurriedly 

"What's the chaos here?" Manaow asked

"Yeah, we heard you and came to say hello", Pharm smiled

"Hey Pharm, how are you?" I asked

"I am fine P', how are you feeling?" Pharm questioned

"I feel much better, thanks", I smiled

I looked at Team and he stood silently with a confused look and bread crumb on his cheek. He is cute!

"So what was the chaos about?" Manaow questioned again

I signalled Team to wipe the bread crumbs off his cheek. He brought his hand up to his cheek and hurriedly wiped it off. That brought a goofy smile to my face 

My attention turned to others and they were staring at us. Awkward!

"What's going on with you two?" Dean questioned

"Nothing", Team and I answered in unison

"Well, earlier we saw Win with a box of cookies and he would not let us have it. So I am guessing it is from one of his admirers and maybe he likes them back", Pruk answered Manaow's question. 

"Oh!", Pharm and Manaow looked at me

"Oi, P'. Don't go on saying anything you want. I just got them for myself and I don't want to share them, that is all", I retorted

"Don't lie!" Pruk answered "You don't like choco-mint flavour"

"Someone told me they taste really good so I wanted to give it a try. Now stop questioning and buy your cookies yourself", I huffed and walked away

Team's POV

I felt a little pang of jealousy when P' Pruk said that Hia received those cookies from someone and he wasn't willing to share. I haven't replied to his confession yet but I didn't want him to be with someone else this soon after confessing to me. I felt so little!

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