How do I Explain the Hickey?

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Team's POV

I woke up a little lightheaded. I groaned and turned to my side and saw hia sleeping with his back towards me, curled up, half-covered in sheet and almost at the edge of the bed. The giant softball made me laugh and had me feel better instantly. 

I tried to pull off the sheet slowly, he was lying half on it and it was tangled between his arms. He sleeps weird! In the process of untangling the sheet, hia half-turned and with his half-opened eyes looked at me and smiled. 

"What are you doing?", he asked

"Was trying to cover you but you seem to be one with the sheet"

Hia laughed turning towards me pulling me in a hug "This is better than the sheet. It feels warm".

I slowly run my hands down to his waist just to meet the sheet "How are you even comfortable with the sheet tangled around you?" I asked him in a serious tone

"It's just a sheet", Win answered sleepily. 

It was a warm feeling in hia's arms but the feeling of the sheet against my ribs was uncomfortable and I ask him to let go but he simply tightened his grip around me. I groaned but relaxed and took my time watching hia sleep so relaxedly. He is otherwise always full of energy, he looks really soft despite his piercings or tattoos. 

I see the fading hickeys on his neck, I run my fingers over the mark and something overtook my mind and my lips were on the marks again, I heard hia groan with a mix of pleasure and sleepiness but then he jolted up and sprung on his ass, surprising me "No, no, no, not the hickeys", he blurted as he woke up. He immediately picked up his mobile from the nightstand and looked at the marks on his neck, in his cellphone's camera "These are going to be visible even if I button my shirt up to the top".  I felt apologetic and was ready to get an earful but then he brings down the phone and looks at me with a pout. I prepared myself to be scolded

"I love you", hia said. I laughed and hugged him 

"I love you too" I kissed his cheek was going to get out of the bed when hia pulled me down on the bed

Win's POV

Team was under me with his cheeks flushed and eyes averting my gaze. I still can't believe we are together, the date and last night felt like a dream. I circle my thumb over his cheek and trace his jaw. I felt his breath hitch, I close the gap between us and capture his lips in a slow kiss. I pecked him before pulling away and rolled beside him on the bed. 

"I hate that I have to go to the lectures. I want to be with you all day" I looked at Team who was chuckling. 

"And watch soccer all day?" Team laughed "Besides, I will catch up with you in three hours for the cultural festival"

I turned on my side with my arm under the head, facing Team "Yes, we can go around together as boyfriends"

The smile from Team's face faltered and I could see the awkwardness on his face

"You don't want to go around with me?" 

"No", Team immediately answered, "I want to, just..."

"Not as boyfriends?", I asked him putting away his hair behind so I could see his eyes

He looked down as I grabbed his chin and pulled him in for a swift kiss "I understand", I smiled

He snuggled to me and buried his face in my chest "I am sorry, Hia. Our friends know it and I am comfortable with it but I am not ready to announce it to everyone" I rubbed his back and kissed his hair. 

I looked at him "I understand"

"So how do I explain the hickeys?"

"Well, everyone would think the hot Vice-President of Swimming Club had a wild night" Team chuckled. I looked at him with a raised brow  

"Did I?", I questioned

Team got shy and shot out of bed "You are going to be late for the lectures, let's have breakfast"

I laughed as I watched Team running out of the room. 

I got ready and joined Team in the kitchen. He was dressed up and sitting at the dining table "Why have you dressed already? You don't have classes", I ask as I join him

"The turtleneck tee underneath, clever", Team mocked me

"When you make our relation public, I will flaunt those hickeys", I smirked at Team

Team looked at his plate eating the food which made me smile "I got to go to my place", Team replied. 

We parted our way after breakfast. Now, my next worry was to explain to Pharm and Dean about my relationship with Team and am sure P' Pruk knows it already. I sigh and drove to the college

A/N: I apologize for the extreme late update. It's been a hard time for me personally, I hope you understand and continue to support my work. Thank you for being incredible readers and supporters. Take care and look out for yourself and your dear ones. 



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