Asking Out on a Date

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Team's POV

I picked up Lei from her dorm and we were ready to go shopping. She seemed more excited about the whole event than I. 

"Aren't you excited about this?" Lei clapped her hands and had a big goofy smile on her face. 

"It's shopping, Lei"

"Yes but you are going to be dressed up to impress someone", she said

"Ha! I thought it was to look presentable and something that works at any place"

"Yes but you got to think about swooning the person as well", Lei chipped

"Can I back out of shopping plan? I don't think it's going to be as easy as I thought". I could already see the hell I was going to go through, I should have known. God, I have a sister and a shopaholic mom, how did I not see this coming.

 We reached the mall and Lei could not stop talking. She was blabbering about clothes and then she shook my arm and pointed somewhere. 

"Isn't that P'Win with Pharm?", she asked. 

I looked in the direction and it was indeed Hia Win and Pharm. "Come, let's say hello to them". Lei held my hand and dragged me with her. 

"Hello P', hello Pharm", she greeted, "Are you two here for shopping as well?", she asked. 

"We are here for movies, I didn't know you had plans with Team", Pharm answered. 

"Oh Yeah! We are here for some shopping", Lei answered. 

I smiled at hia and Pharm, hia avoided my eyes and continued talking to Lei. I really could not understand why was he avoiding me, it started after the night we kissed. I wanted to ask him but it was not a good time then. 

"Do you guys want to join us for the movies?", Pharm asked. 

"Thanks but I think it will be some time till we finish shopping and then I really need some sleep. We can plan movies next time", I answered. 

After a short talk, we parted our ways and Lei dragged me to stores. 


Win's POV

Pharm and I were at the mall and I wanted to grab a bite before the movies. I was about to enter a cafe when I heard someone call our names. It was Lei with Team. I was hurt and angry, he should have at least rejected me before he started dating Lei. I felt like a fool at that moment for confessing my feelings and about the kiss we shared. He should not have kissed me and raised my hopes if I was just going to be thrown aside. I could not look at Team without welling up. I felt my heart shatter into pieces and felt my gut knotted, and my eyes moistened. I could not be around them for longer so I excused myself and Pharm and we separated. 

I could not focus on the movie the entire time. I kept thinking about Team the whole time. It was late when the movies ended so I decided to drop Pharm at his apartment and head home. We were at the parking lot when I saw Team and Lei walk out of there. 

"Why are they walking out of the parking lot this time? The mall is about to be closed", I thought to myself.

Pharm and I walked towards them to ask if everything was alright. 

"Is everything okay?", I questioned

"We were driving out and something sharp was on the way so, a flat tyre. We are going to catch a cab", Lei replied. 

"It's late, I can drop you two home". 

"It's okay P', we don't want to burden you", Lei replied. Team agreed with her. 

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