For Boner to be Gone...

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Team's POV

I woke up to the sunlight entering through the curtains, I looked at the clock and it was 9 am It was still early for a Sunday morning. I looked at my side and hia was curled up with his face half-buried in the pillow. He looked peaceful and I just wanted to keep looking at him, I ran my fingers through his hair pushing them aside so I could see his complete face. I further moved my fingers to his ear and the piercings and pinched his earlobe. Hia woke up with a shriek and rubbed his ear and that made me laugh. I slid closer and kissed him and rested on his shoulder. 

Hia wrapped his arms around me and I nestled my face in the crook of his neck

"Why are you up so early?", hia asked

"I just woke up" hia had dozed off again

I nuzzled my nose against his neck and he rubbed his neck in his sleep. I nuzzled him again and kissed his neck, I prepped his neck with little kisses moving to his shoulder blade and sucked on a little above his bone and he groaned. I continued kissing him there leaving a hickey, seeing the red marks on his neck made me smile. 

Hia moved his head away and glared at me and I simply smiled and kissed him again. 

Win's POV

Team woke up early this morning and he teased me with kisses. I was surprised at his advances but I liked it. I ran my hand over his cheek and my thumb traced his lower lip and he bit my thumb 

"What's with you this morning?" He giggled and I slowly moved close to his face kissing him softly at first and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made him deepen the kiss and his hands ran from my hair to my back. Our lips parted and our foreheads touched, Team laid beneath me breathing hard and his lips slightly apart. I pulled him for another kiss as his head bent back on my arm and I snaked my hands under his t-shirt and my hands ran on his waist as I lifted his t-shirt lightly, I moved my hands over his stomach and to his side. 

The kiss deepened and our tongues battled, I heard Team's guttural moan and I could feel myself getting aroused. We pulled apart to catch our breath and I slumped my torso over Team. 

"Do you know what you do to me?" I spoke against his shoulder


"I love you, Team" I hid my face in his shoulder

"I love you too" I angled my head to look at Team and his eyes pierced through mine. We laid in the same position looking at each other before Team pecked me

"Want to get breakfast?" I nodded 

"I will order breakfast for us, why don't you freshen up while I wait for you in the living room" Team gave me an understanding smile and I just nodded. He slipped out of the bed and walked to the living room and I dug my face in the pillow and groaned and waited for my boner to be gone. It was the first time Team said that he loved me and now I was thinking of things that would take the boner away, I didn't want another cold shower.

A/N: I know it's short but it took me forever to write this. This is the fifth plot after I re-edited the drafts multiple times. Hope you enjoy it and please suggest how do you want to see the couple growing. 

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