Answer or Drink

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Win's POV

We were slouched on the couch watching an old soccer game. Team rested his head on the armrest and sighed "I have seen this game twice already"

"Do you know what?", Team questioned


"We have been a couple for less than 24 hours and you are a lousy boyfriend", Team replied looking at the ceiling 

"What? How am I a lousy boyfriend?"

"Well, we have just been watching TV since morning and I am bored. It's like being an old couple"

"Well you can be a good boyfriend and do something", I retorted

"I took you to the nicest cupcake place last night"

I glared at him "Really?"

"Yes", he answered slightly lifting his head from the headrest and slumping again

I slapped his legs and got off the couch "Come get up, I will take you somewhere"

"I don't want to go anywhere" Team occupied the entire couch and was sprawled on it

"Do you know what we should do?" he rolled on to his side

"What?", I asked him pouring juice in the glasses

"Something interesting that would not involve going out" 

"Yes, that doesn't sound like boring old couple stuff"

"No, not if we play answer or drink", Team suggested as he bounced on his ass

"We have college tomorrow"

"Pharm informed our classes are cancelled cause of cultural fest", Team replied as he laid flat on his back again, "you've got any important classes?"

"Just two electives" I handed him the glass of grape juice. He held the glass on his stomach and almost spilt it. I took the glass off his hands and pinched his cheeks hard

"Ow, ow!" Why did you do that?" Team sat up and slapped the back of my thigh

"What is it with you today? And I am older than you, you can't just hit me. It hurts, you know"

"My cheek hurts too, you pinched so hard, it's gonna leave a mark", he answered in a high pitch rubbing his cheek

"Better than what you left on my neck" I sat next to him

"Yeah, it has turned blue now and is clearly visible" Team ran his fingers over the hickey and had a big smile on his face. I handed him the glass

"You're enjoying it, aren't you?" I glared at him

"Yes, you're my boyfriend and I can do that to you" yet again he smiled wide

"Maybe I can paint you in those"

"Now, you're just talking revenge, hia. This is love" Team rubbed the hickey on my neck and laughed

"Let's play Answer or Drink", Team suggested and jumped out to get the beer from the fridge"

He sat the bottles on the table in front of us and sat on his legs leaning against the armrest of the couch. 

"Okay, ask your question", I told him

"Why did you get the tattoo on your back?"

"I got into an accident in junior high which resulted in the fracture of the leg and hip bone. I could not swim for a long time and when I started again I was terrible, it was depressing and I wanted to quit, but with the support of my grandmother I could start again, she always said 'The broken wings are strongest once they heal.' I got the tattoo in her memory when she passed away and well for the piercings cause I always wanted to get them. Aren't they cool?"

"Yes, yes. Your turn"

"Choco-mints of horror movies?"

"Choco mints with the movie", Team answered

"Choose just one" Team instead drank

"How many relations have you been in before?", Team questioned

I wanted to drink but I knew Team wanted this answer

"Five and got dumped four times after short period"

"You're kidding me", Team said surprisingly


"But why?"

"Only one question", I reminded him

"Have you crushed on anyone except Lei?", I questioned

Team laughed and just took another sip 

"Was it that hard to answer?"

"No, just lame"

"So why were you always dumped?"

"I was told that I was pretentious, not attentive enough or cause they reconciled with their ex but I really was close to one of them, we just would hang out in the library or small restaurant after classes, we never argued or fought but then she shifted abroad with her family and we parted but the four months we spent together were great" I saw Team chugging the beer

"Oi slow down, was the game just an excuse for you to drink?"

"The beer is nice" Team smiled

"Why is it lame to speak about your earlier crush?" My mind was stuck on that

Team laughed "I crushed on my Math teacher, she was quite young and beautiful and one day I cut all the roses from our garden to gift her. Sadly, she got married just before I came here" Team laughed

"How about you? Did you never maintain contact with this girl whom you loved?", Team questioned

"We were in touch but then she got with someone and it stopped. Plus, I didn't love her, I liked her"

"Are you jealous?", I questioned Team but he looked away and emptied the bottle of beer

"You're the only I love or even chased for the matter, I never confessed my love to anyone before"

Team was sipping on the second bottle of beer and came close to me, his face was inches away from mine "so would you pursue me even if I argue and am wrong?", he asked

"Until you say you don't love me anymore, I will pursue you till the ends of the world", I kissed him shortly "Never stop loving me" I whispered against his lips. Team's cheeks were flushed red and he moved away "I love you", he said

I kissed his forehead "I will cook us dinner", I told him and headed to the kitchen. 

Team went to the balcony with the beer in his hand. I just want us to be like this forever!

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