The Date Night

616 39 8

Win's POV

I woke up at 10 am and relaxed in the hot bath as I thought about my date with Team. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I had been on dates before but never had been in love with someone or even chased them. This was different, it felt euphoric. The text notification pulled me out of the trance, I checked my phone and it was from Team. 

"Hey hia, I made a reservation for our date tonight at someplace formal. See you at 6.30?"

"Yes. I am excited about tonight. Can't wait to see you" I replied to the text

"I am excited too" Team replied. 

After getting out of the bath, I ordered food and rummaged through my cupboard to look for something nice to wear tonight. 

Finally, after two hours, I laid down the clothes for the evening and grabbed my lunch that was already cold. I suddenly realised I should get something for Team since it was our first date. I looked at my watch and it was already three in the afternoon. 

This ain't good. I don't even know what I should pick up. Perhaps, some snacks? Nah! 

It should be something better  for the first date but nothing that would scare him off

I wanted to text Dean or P'Pruk to get their help but then I decided to get help from the store assistant and headed to a mall nearby. I looked around for the stores but could not decide on anything until I stumbled on a gifts store. A lady led me in and assisted me with the purchase, there were perfumes, watches, earrings and frames but nothing seemed right. I surfed a little more when my eyes fell on a small pot of blue peonies, it was perfect. 

It was already 5 by the time I reached my apartment. I took a quick shower and wrapped the plant without destroying it and got ready. I received a text from Team that he would be over in about 15 minutes. I didn't know what to do, whether to wait for him at the gate or at the apartment. I always picked up my dates which to me right now seems easier. I kept thinking about different scenarios and how they would end up until I heard the doorbell. I got up from the couch and I could feel myself shaking as I approached the door. 

I opened the door and saw Team dressed handsomely in the formals and a beautiful smile. I invited him inside. 

"You look amazing"

"Thanks, you too look great hia", Team said with a shy smile. 

We stood in silence for a while fidgeting. 

"I will get us something to drink before we start", I informed. 

Team nodded and took a seat. I opened my fridge and the only beverage I could find was Grape Juice Box. I cursed myself for not keeping anything decent but it reminded me of our first meeting. I placed the juice box on the table

"Really?" Team laughed

"Sorry, that is all I got", I answered 

"Who would have thought that the scary Vice-President of Swimming Club likes kid's beverage", Team mocked me

"Am I scary?", I asked Team as I brought my face closer to his. 

Team's POV

Hia Win's face was dangerously close to mine. "N-no", I stuttered. He got even closer and I closed my eyes but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and hia was gone, I scanned around and saw him coming out of his bedroom with a wrapped box. He sat next to me and handed me the box, it was unusually boxed. I looked at him questioningly. 

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